Description: Babalú Ayé is one of the most beloved, worshipped and petitioned Orishas in our religion. Orisha: Obba He is most often represented by a double-headed ax. Estimates place the number at 401, yet this figure lends itself to speculation. Prayer for Shango: Shangó obá adé oko, obá ina, Alafin Oyó aché o Orunmila. He is a primordial orisha arising out of his own ashé as the first oceans formed on the surface of the earth. The Orishas are semi-divine beings, each expressing a specific aspect of human existence, and if we focus on the Orisha Horoscope, we have to indicate that it is composed of a dozen signs, each with the name of an orisha, assigned according to the date of birth. There are hundreds of gods in Africa but within Santeria, many people worship 7 main Orishas. Red: associated with pink, brown, and yellow. Description: Yemayá is the mother of all living things, the queen of heaven, earth and all waters. Each item mentioned has a numeric vibration. Commonly accepted colors of the Zodiac Aquarius – Violet Virgo – Purple Pices – Scarlett Aries – Magenta Taurus – Red Gemini – Blue Libra – Indigo Cancer – Lemon Yellow Scorpio – Orange Leo – Green Sagittarius – yellow Capricorn – White 440hz x 40 times – is 483 tetra hertz – Reddish Orange. He also acts as the …, Oyá (also Ollá, Yansa or Yansán) is a fierce and powerful female warrior orisha in Santeria. Saint: Saint Isidore She recognizes herself in the colors yellow and gold … They have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. She fights with machetes and scares away Ikú (death) with her horsetail fly whisk. Twelve of them however can be equated to the twelve signs of the Zodiac along with their respective houses. He encourages us to use diplomacy and reason when acting and is often the Orisha who mediates disputes between the other orishas. She was Shangó’s legitimate wife who was shunned after trying to ensnare Shangó with witchcraft. Saint: Our Lady of Mercy Changó is a ladies’ man and a charmer. Description: Orisha Oko is the Orisha of agriculture and the fertile earth. The rest is … She is the force of change in nature and in life. Orisha: Orunmila (Orunla, Orula) His worship is shared with the Arará people of Africa. His color is white which is often accented with red, purple and other colors to represent his/her different paths. Description: Olokun is the Orisha that rules the depths of the sea where light does not touch. Orisha: Olokun Rev. Colors: Brown, dark red or multi-colors Number: 3 and 21 Saint: Saint Peter Elegguá is the owner of the crossroads and the most important Orisha in Santeria. It is therefore possible to have a female Obatalá like the road Obanlá in addition to male roads like Ayáguna. Colors: Yellow and green (or brown and green) Number: 16 Description: Orunmila is the Orisha of divination and the patron of the Ifá sect. Orisha: Orisha Oko (Orichaoco) Obatalá’s shrine is placed higher than the other Orishas‘ shrines out of respect for his status as their elder. She resides in the ocean and her children are countless like the fishes in the sea. Because Olodumare has moved on to create other universes, we do honor and praise Her but focus our worship around the Orishas and our relationship with them. Please note each book contains different Orishas. Number: 3, 7 The huge ear is deaf, but the little one is so acute it can hear the sound of a single flower crying or the flap of a butterfly’s wings. Black: hidden, concealed, secret. Orisha: Ogún (Oggún) Episode 3: Odidere – The Parrot in Yoruba Culture. Number: 16 What we are able to receive is what will be reflected She is depicted as a homely woman, missing her left ear, wearing a headwrap to cover her wound. Number: 8 He is most often represented by a double-headed ax. Colors: Red and black He is a patron of sexual diversity, celebrating lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Colors: White, blue, brown, black Oya's number is 9 and its multiples. Ogun Colors – Red and Black He is the force of blind justice that is applied equally to all. His priests are known as Babalawos and function exclusively as diviners. Osain has one eye and one arm. She is the Orisha associated with death as she rules the decomposition of the body in the grave and the mysteries associated with the dying process. Chango is the Orisha of lightning, power, sensuality and passion. Elegguá is often perceived as a trickster or impish child who tests our integrity. These dieties are found in many religions such as Ifá, Santeria, West African Vudon, Hoodoo, and others. She can fight with a machete or a scimitar and bathe in the blood of her enemies. His colors are red and white and he recognises himself in the numbers four and six. On the other hand, New World Santeria believers generally only work with a handful of them. She is depicted as a lithe powerful warrior woman wearing a skirt of nine different colors. Eshu Colors – Red and Black, Links Discussed: She is the orisha of love, beauty, femininity and sensuality which leads many people to compare her to Venus or …, Yemayá (also spelled Yemoja, Iemoja, or Yemaya) is one of the most powerful orishas in Santeria. She carries a saber and a ponytail as a sign of dignity. Orunmila is the orisha of wisdom and divination. Colors: Red, white. by | Feb 7, 2021 | Uncategorized | Feb 7, 2021 | Uncategorized While they do receive the mysteries of multiple Orishas, they are crowned with only their tutelary Orisha and act as a living representative of that Orisha‘s energy walking amongst us all. Description: Orunmila is the Orisha of divination and the patron of the Ifá sect. Orisha: Elegguá (Elewá, Elegbá) She was the last orisha born in the world out of Olodumare’s love for creation. Aries – Magenta Sacrificial Animals . The exact number of orishas worshipped by the Yoruba is difficult to calculate. Orisha: Yemayá (Yemoja) He is a mysterious Orisha and there is some debate about whether Olokun is male or female. I wear alot of yellow & I accessorize with alot of orange and gold! His colors are red and white, and he recognizes himself in the numbers four and six. In many ways he has become the modern day patron of HIV/AIDS and other epidemics. Yoruba tradition often says that there are 400 + 1 Òrìṣà, which is associated with a sacred number. They are considered one Orisha. He does have two ears: one is huge, but the other is tiny and shriveled up. He is also the ferryman that helps people cross the river, and some lineages say Aggayú is the orisha of deserts. how to find your orisha mother and father. Saint: Saint Barbara Gemini – Blue Images of Orula show him seated with his ekuele and irofa by his side. Costumes: Oya wears a red dress and a skirt with 9 stripes of different colors. Beliefs Saint: None Orisha: Ochosi (Ochossi, Oshosi) Other sources suggest that the number is "as many as you can think of, plus one more – an innumerable number." In the syncretism she is compared with the Holy Virgin of the Candelaria and Santa Teresa (February 2). Obatalá is also the only orisha that has both male and female paths. Orisha: Shangó (Changó, Sango) Description: Obatala is the eldest of the Orishas, the owner of white cloth, the king of peace and logic. Orunmila. Orunmila is the orisha of wisdom, knowledge and divination. He is the Orisha of small pox, contagious diseases and of healing. Saint: Saint Cosme and Saint Damian "They open up the way for you. He is often depicted as a hard working farmer who wears a straw hat and plows the earth with a team of two oxen. You may be familiar with statements like pen is to paper as chalk is to blackboard. Colors: red and blue His colors are red and white, and he recognizes himself in the numbers four and six. Aquarius – Violet Together with Oshun, Yemaya and Obatala, Chango is one of the four pillars of Santeria. Description: Obba is the Orisha of marriage and personal transformation. Number: 7 Babalú Ayé is depicted as an old man covered in pox sores, walking on crutches and accompanied by two dogs. Worshippers of Oya can also wear dry fiber dress from the top of the royal palm, called yagua and use a nine colored ribbons as a head covering. The main personal religious identifier for any Orisha worshiper is the necklace(s) made in the colors of the Orisha under whose protection s/he is initiated. The colors and numbers associated with each Orisha are listed in a separate chart. Orula also known as Orunmila, is the orisha of divination through the oracle of Ifa. Each Orisha has its sacred number and colors, and we’ve also taken the liberty of indicating which Catholic saint is most commonly syncretized with that Orisha. Santeria originates from an original African belief system and in this, there are hundreds of orishas. He is one of the hardest working orishas for it is his job to work the earth, feed humanity and the orishas and keep the cycles of growing working year-round. Blue: associated with black and green. Orisha: Yeguá (Yewá) As an evolution of our initiation ceremony, within Lucumí practice, new initiates are ordained into the sects of multiple orishas instead of just one as was done in Africa. Number: 7 Colors: Green and black Sagittarius – yellow have different frequencies and even give off their own sounds. See also: Orisha; Oshun; Oya; Shango; Yemaya An Orisha's colors are the same as those of the beads that make up his or her Ileke. Obatala Obamoro’s shrine draped in light lavender cloth with Oke on the right and Agidai on the left. Obatala, the eldest of the Orishas, is revered as the creator of all mankind. It is said that when Olodumare created the world, Orula was present as a witness. He is most often represented by a double headed axe. Number: 7 or 9 Babalú Ayé’s name was made famous with the song Babalú and sung by Desi Arnaz in 1946. After reading about her, her colors are some of my favorite colors, especially yellow! Obatalá is actually a androgynous Orisha where half of his avatars are male and the other half are female. Oshun Colors – Gold and Blue He along with Elegguá witnessed all of destiny unfold and therefore can be consulted to know where a person’s fate is headed. Saint: Saint Anthony Numbers are a vibration as well as EVERYTHING in existence. Reality is created via sound so colors can create reality. Description: Ochosi is the divine hunter whose arrow never misses its mark. Orisha: Ibeji (Ibeyi, Ibelli, Melli) Libra – Indigo Elegua was the first orisha created by Olodumare and he existed prior to and witnessed creation unfold. He was the only orisha allowed to witness the creation of the universe by Olorun and bears witness to our destinies in the making as well. The Significance of Numbers: Numbers have meaning for a variety of reasons, but one reason is because they represent quantities and relationships. When the slaves were intermixed and forced to coexist outside of their homelands, the worship of these Orishas became blended as well, and their worship of multiple Orishas became the standard practice within Santería (La Regla Lucumí). Jesus would be Olodumare or Olofin, Olorun. Number: 9 There is some confusion around whether Aggayú is the father or the younger brother of Changó, but in the Santería …, Oshun (also spelled Ochún, Oṣun or Oxum) is the youngest of the orishas and probably the most popular in Santeria. Unfortunately her purity was tainted when she was violated by Changó. Take Away: Description: The Ibeji are the divine twins. Leo – Green Chango is the orisha of drumming, dancing, thunder, fire, male virility, and leadership. The Ibeji are depicted as two young children or babies: one boy named Taiwó dressed in red, and one girl named Kehinde dressed in blue. Saint: Saint Francis of Assisi When Oshún gave birth to the Ibeji, they were the first twins born and she was shunned as a witch. Number: 6 Personal Religious Items. While he knows the …, Orisha Oko (also spelled Orishaoko or Orishaoco) is the orisha of agriculture, farming, fertility and the mysteries associated with the earth, life and death. Orula bracelets and Orula necklaces adorned in beads of yellow and green should be worn when trying to evoke his power and cast away death. He was once a living king on earth as the fourth Alafin of Oyó in Yoruba land. She is the mother of all living things, rules over motherhood and owns all the waters of the Earth. Dr. E. at the Missionary Independent Hoodoo Workshops 2013, Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. Yellow: associated with red. ALL IMAGES AND TEXT COPYRIGHT 2014 except where noted otherwise. His colors are green, red, white and yellow. The Orisha's tureen and implements should also be of the appropriate color. Orisha: Oyá (Yansa, Yansan) Each has his or her own colors, numbers, foods, herbs, so on. He developed the oracles of Ifá: the ikines (palm nuts) and the okuele (diviner’s chain). Waist beads color meaning exotic vodun faq elekes ilekes collares santeria bead necklace orunla green and african religion ifa embraced by some. Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. He is often depicted as an elderly black man with chalk white hair dressed in white robes. @TheOrishaCenter While there are two individuals when twins are born, the Ibeji is one orisha. Orisha: Ibeji (Ibeyi, Ibelli, Melli) Saint: Saint Cosme and Saint Damian Colors: red and blue Number: 2, 4 and 8 Description: The Ibeji are the divine twins. Colors: Pink and burgundy He along with Elegguá witnessed all of destiny unfold and therefore can be consulted to know where a person’s fate is headed. Ogun has the intelligence and creativity to invent tools, weapons, and technology. In addition to being a loving mother she is a fierce protectress. Pices – Scarlett Description: Yeguá is Oduduwa’s special daughter who he was keeping as a symbol of purity and chastity. He is the owner of the crossroads, the witness of fate and acts as the connecting agent in this world. There are four hundred and one of them in total, each playing a role within the Yoruba pantheon. Green and yellow are the colors of this Orisha. Number: 17 An artist’s rendition of the major Orishas of Santería. February 12, 2019 colorpaints Leave a comment. Number. A potential color medium takes all colors but, decides to reflect one shade. Shango Colors – Red and White He hops around like a bird on one leg. Elegua opens and closes the path to… Description: Elegguá is the first and most important Orisha in Santería. This will allow the child can grasp the concept of each Orisha. The Orishas are the forces of nature that reflect the manifestations that are sacred and powerful. Also represents the planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune,Uranus plus the Sun & Moon. Orishaoko …, The Ibeji (also called Ibelli, Ibeyi, Meji, Melli or Jimaguas) is the orisha of the divine twins. Capricorn – White Colors: Brown, opal and coral . Sacred site: The Oba River, Nigeria. Colors: Blue and amber Synesthesia is a condition characterized by the ability to perceive one sensory stimulant with another, involuntarily. He is depicted as a handsome, young man wearing a crown and carrying a double headed axe. @ChiefYuya, Orisha Center dedicated to learning, loving, exploring and living Orisha Culture and Tradition. He is most often associated with Pope St. Sylvester I, but he is also sometimes associated with St. John, St. Ambrose, St Anthony Abad, St. Joseph, and St. Benito. The Ibeji are the children of Oshún and Changó. Changó is the master of dance, a fierce warrior and a powerful sorcerer who spits fire. Prior to the slave trade, each major city in Yoruba land was a center of worship for a different Orisha. She wields lightning and rides the winds into battle, often fighting with her machetes …, Aggayú (also spelled Aganyu, Agganju, Argayú or Agayu Sola) is the orisha of volcanos. He is best friends with Elegguá and Ogún and is often found hunting with them. Taurus – Red She gave birth to the stars, the moon, the sun and most of the orishas. If you would cook for her, she likes beans with onions and shrimp. Day: Saturday. Yemaya makes her residence in …, Changó (also spelled Shangó, Ṣango, or Xango) is one of the most popular orishas in Santeria and is the king of our religion on earth. Orisha: Obatalá A paper image of the Orisha, in the form of a saint, should be authorized. Her color is wine red or brown and 9 colors except black. He is usually not depicted in a human form. Oyá and Ogún fight side by side with the powers of lightning and iron – art by Claudia Krindges. She resides in the marketplace. Description: Ogún is a mighty warrior, the divine blacksmith who crafts tools and weapons and the hardest working Orisha of them all. He is widely beloved and a beacon of strength and dignity. Oyá took in the Ibeji and raised them as their adoptive mother. He is the key to any of our religious practices, for without Elegua’s blessings nothing can proceed, transpire nor succeed in …, Ogún (also spelled Oggun, Ogou or Ogum) is a powerful, fierce warrior who defends his people and fights against injustice. Our color perception is based around what we are able to receive. The number of orishas varies among believers. Commonly accepted colors of the Zodiac Waist Beads Color Meaning Exotic Body Orisha. 440hz x 40 times – is 483 tetra hertz – Reddish Orange, Commonly held Orisha Colors: White is most appropriate for Obatalá as it contains all the colors of the rainbow yet is above them. Colors: White She is the owner of the cemetery gates, but does not live in the cemetery contrary to common belief. While Kehinde was born second she is considered the elder of the two. He is the Orisha of lightning, thunder and fire, the owner of the sacred batá drums, the power of passion and virility. She took the secret of slinging lightning from Changó. The Orisha are said to recognize each other and are themselves identified or associated with different numbers and colors. Description: Shangó (Changó) is the king of the religion of Santería and was once the fourth king (Alafin) of the city of Oyó in Yoruba land before he was deified and became an Orisha. Yemaya is the mother of many of the other Orishas as well. Commonly held Orisha Colors: Colors: Red and white They do not ordain people into the mysteries of orishas other than Orunmila. She fled to the cemetery and underwent a powerful transformational journey that made her come into her true power. Ogún is the father of technology, the cutting edge of the knife and the power of metal. Ochosi knows the wilderness better than anyone else and has mastered the art of tracking his prey and killing it while being totally undetectable. Orunmila. Twins are sacred to the Lucumí people and the Ibeji are their patron Orisha. Chango was …. Number: 8 Most deities have a specific association to planets, numbers, colors, days of the week etc. . Colors: Yellow and green (or brown and green) Saint: Saint Lazarus An Orisha is a spirit that reflects one of the manifestations of God. Erinle is a wilderness god, associated with hunting, herbalism and animal husbandry. Saint: Saint Norbert The children will learn the colors, numbers, and have basic comprehension by illustrating pictures and writing a simple paragraph. Yemaya is often depicted as a voluptuous black woman with full breasts dressed in blue. Head over to to sharpen your know-how on the Orisha. He was the only orisha allowed to witness the creation of the universe by Olorun and bears witness to our destinies in the making as well. Colors: dark blue with green Eleggua (also spelled Elegua, Elewa, Elegba or Legba) is the most important of the orishas in Santeria. Orisha: Babalú Ayé (Babaluaye, Asojano) Symbols, Numbers, Colors and Attributes of Elegguá Number: 3 and 21 A typical eleke for Eleggua consists of red and black beads The Yoruba people have one of the world’s highest rates of twin birth (average …, Obatalá (also spells Obbatala or Obatala) is the eldest of the orishas in Santeria and king of the religion in orun (heaven). Honoring Ancestors in the Traditional Lucumí Way, How to Learn Santería – Studying the Religion. He gathers the sunken treasures and souls of the drowned and rules from the depths., Social Media: Prayer for Obatala: Obatalá obá layé ela iwo alara aché Scorpio – Orange He is also the father of many of the orishas and as such is given great respect and deference by the other orishas in matters of great importance. The Ibeji are the children of Oshún and Changó. Virgo – Purple The Orishas are Olodumare’s eldest children and have been imbued with a portion of Her aché. If their tutelary Orisha is a different one than those five, they will receive that Orisha as well (Aggayú or Oyá for example). His followers wear robes in these colors to honor him. Colors: Blue and clear She is saluted: Greetings, Jekua Jey Yansá! What’s the Difference Between Legba, Eleggua, Eshu and Exu?! He is the father of civilization in many ways, for it is by his strength that the path from orun (heaven) to ayé …, Ochosi (also spelled Ochossi, Oxosi, or Oshosi) is a skilled, stealthy hunter orisha who upholds the highest ethical standards and always hit the mark with his arrow. Saint: Our Lady of Montserrat Saint: Our Lady of Candelmas or Saint Theresa In Yorubaland there are a series of orishas that are recognized and worshipped by all followers of Yoruba religion, and some orishas, which are only known and worshipped in particular towns or villages. S legitimate wife who was shunned After trying to ensnare Shangó with witchcraft frequencies and give! 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