+44 (0)20 7471 8400 sales@cigars.co.uk Made by Format. We have Davidoff Cigars in stock and on sale. We Stand For . Free shipping on purchases. We stock an extensive selection of Rare & Vintage cigars, please contact us for the latest availability. These beauties provide a smooth, cedary flavor-core laced with nuances of nuts, cream and coffee bean. Buy Davidoff Cigars Online at Cigars Direct and Save. LONDON - LIVERPOOL - CHESTER NORFOLK - KNUTSFORD. The tobaccos that are used in the different blends have been cultivated in accordance with the most ancient traditions, in the richest soils and ideal climatic conditions of carefully selected fields. THE BEST OF DAVIDOFF Explore the world of Davidoff cigars. In 2013, Davidoff expanded to Nicragua with Davidoff Nicaragua, later adding Yamasá and Escurio. Home / Shop / Cigars / New World Cigars / Davidoff Cigars Davidoff Cigars. These cigars are characteristically mild yet they do not lack any strength in flavour. They're beloved for their top-notch construction, unwavering consistency, and distinctively delicious flavors. Products search. The finish is the superbly smooth and satisfying. There is only one Winston Churchill. The blend contained in Davidoff cigarettes is not modified from one year to another. You release craftsmanship which could only be achieved by our investment in that most precious of commodities: time. We’re sure that if you give this brand a go, you’re bound to fall in love with them, so check out the range available below! All Cuban cigars we sell come with an EMS guarantee. Quality and Service Guaranteed. Davidoff Cigars is one of the biggest names in sophisticated smoking, Davidoff offers an extensive assortment of luxury handmade cigars to suit all manner of serious connoisseurs, plus an impressive array of scores from popular cigar magazines. Lot 780 - Davidoff Tubos . There are currently no available lots in the Davidoff Cigars category. Connect with your favorite cigar brands and manufactures, receive product tips on new cigar releases, and explore written and video cigar reviews. These cigars are some of the best-loved in the cigar world, and the incredible flavours and aromas are instantly recognisable after only one puff. Discover Our Beliefs. Davidoff is a Swiss premium brand of cigars, cigarettes and smoker’s accessories.It is owned by Oettinger Davidoff AG, which is based in Basel, Switzerland. Core Davidoff cigars, which include lines such as Millenium, Grand Cru, Signature and Aniversario, are often referred to by smokers as "white label" due to the bands that adorn each cigar. PIPE TOBACCO. Davidoff Cigars UK Davidoff Cigars are renowned as a luxury brand and are enjoyed by many an aficionado. Today, every Davidoff cigar is handcrafted in the company's cigar factory in the Dominican Republic under the guidance of master blender Hendrik "Henke" Kelner. The finish is the superbly smooth and satisfying. View Brand Portfolio. The Davidoff brand, created by cigar legend Zino Davidoff, was produced in Cuba until 1990. Davidoff is a Swiss premium brand of cigars, cigarettes and smoker's accessories. While they are greatly enjoyed by cigar aficionado’s, their milder flavours can also make them a great choice for novice cigar smokers too. We want to provide pleasurable, memorable moments in people’s lives. It is exclusively for people of legal smoking age. These cigars are aged in their boxes for five to eight years before release. Buy Cuban cigars online from the cigar UK Havana cigar specialist. Every cigar has five centuries of the cigar maker’s art folded into its elegant form. A timeless Panetela format, topped with an elegant "pigtail", this cigar exhibits well-balanced flavors of earth and wood, while emphasizing floral aromas leaving a particularly clean and creamy aftertaste BUY DAVIDOFF CIGARS Take your pick & indulge yourself. CUBAN CIGARS. These beauties provide a smooth, cedary flavor-core laced with nuances of nuts, cream and coffee bean. Show Davidoff Cigars available for delivery to: Davidoff Cigars. Buy Davidoff Cigars Online at Cigars Direct and Save. The Davidoff Signature No. Davidoff Winston Churchill Collection Robusto Statesman (Box of 4 Loose Cigars) Sort by Price ... Davidoff Winston Churchill Collection Petit Corona Artist (Box of 5 Loose Cigars) 1 items from £62.00. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was an Aristocrat, born into the family of the Dukes of Marlborough. Discerning smokers refused to accept a substitute for these cigarillos of distinction. There is only one Winston Churchill. These cigars are characteristically mild yet they do not lack any strength in flavour. Your satisfaction is our satisfaction. The Davidoff cigarette brand has been owned by Imperial Brands after purchasing it in 2006. Measures 6 7/8" with a 47 ring guage. Hunters & Frankau import and distribute the world's finest cigars and this website contains information relating to tobacco products. Davidoff Aniversario Series is Davidoff’s top-of-the-line cigar. Davidoff Aniversario Series is Davidoff’s top-of-the-line cigar. Davidoff Limited Edition 2018 Year of the Dog Cigar – Box of 10, Davidoff Limited Edition 2020 Year of the Rat Cigar – Box of 10, Davidoff Millennium Short Robusto Cigar – Pack of 4, Davidoff Millennium Short Robusto Cigar – Single, Davidoff Robusto Intenso Cigar – Box of 10, Davidoff Special <<53>> Limited Edition 2020 Cigar – Box of 10, Davidoff Special <<53>> Limited Edition 2020 Cigar – Single, Davidoff 2000 Cigar – Signature Range – Single, Davidoff 2000 Cigar-Signature Range – Box of 20 Tubos, Davidoff 2000 Cigar-Signature Range – Pack of 4 Tubos, Davidoff 2000 Cigar-Signature Range – Pack of 5, Davidoff 6000 Cigar Signature Range – Single, Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario No.3 Cigar – Box of 10, Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario No.3 Cigar – Single, Davidoff 702 Series Entreacto Cigar – Pack of 4, Davidoff 702 Series Entreacto Cigar – Single, Davidoff 702 Series No.2 Cigar – Pack of 5, Davidoff 702 Series Signature 2000 Cigar – Box of 25, Davidoff 702 Series Signature 2000 Cigar – Pack of 5, Davidoff 702 Series Signature 2000 Cigar – Single, Davidoff 702 Series Special R Cigar – Box of 25, EMS stands for ‘English Market Selection’ and is a term that has been used in Cuba for over a century to identify the quality of cigars designated for the British market. View No. Cigars.com is a community of cigar loving fans and experts - with a belief that the site experience should be powered by you. We offer the best cigar prices, bundles, and cigar hot deals. THE EDWARD SAHAKIAN CIGAR LOUNGE & SHOP Our indoor cigar lounge and shop. ADDRESS: 35 ST. JAMES’S STREET, SW1A 1HD LONDON TELEPHONE: (+44) 20 7930 3079 … The tobaccos used to make these different cigars are based on five different blends of tobacco each aged for at least four years to impart a smooth, refined and distinctive taste. This website contains images of tobacco. We have Davidoff Cigars in stock and on sale. We want to provide pleasurable, memorable moments in people’s lives. C.Gars Ltd are proud to stock the full range of Davidoff cigars at the best prices in the UK Available to buy online or via mail order / … From a famed name in luxury premium handmade cigars, the Davidoff Special Series is a vast and varied array of true traditional styles and flawlessly crafted shaped cigars such as Culebras, Perfectos, and other Figurado-style smokes. BUY DAVIDOFF CIGARS. The Davidoff Minis in packs of either 20 or 50 mini cigarillos remain a benchmark for small quality cigars. Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar – 1 … Davidoff cigarettes today are an exceptional brand, offering top selling items in numerous classes of extravagance: cigarettes, mixed refreshments, calfskin products, watches and more others. Undoubtedly Davidoff Cigars is the beating heart of our unique brand portfolio yet we are equally proud of our other luxury brands. CIGAR CUTTERS. We guarantee delivery of high quality Cheap Cigars and Accessories. They're beloved for their top-notch construction, unwavering consistency, and distinctively delicious flavors. Oettinger Davidoff AG manufactures a broad portfolio of cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobaccos and smoker’s accessories under the brands Davidoff, Camacho and Zino Platinum. The historical backdrop of this brand showed up because of the Swiss industrialist and businessperson Zino Davidoff. View more EDWARD SAHAKIAN CIGAR LOUNGE. Please leave now if you are under the age of 18 years old. Regal Cigars has been selling the world's finest quality cigars, tobacco, pipes and smoking accessories online for 25 years. Home UK Based Lots Davidoff Cigars. We have also run a cigar website since January 1997, being the first website in the wolrd offering fine Cuban cigars online. Davidoff London When you light a Davidoff cigar you set aglow the richest tradition of cigar making in the world. This site contains tobacco images. SOLD: £700.00. CIGARETTES. The Davidoff brand was created almost a century ago by Zino Davidoff. Your online cigar store with the widest selection of premium cigars, cigar-cutters, lighters, ashtrays, humidors and other accessories. Established 1890 . ROLLING TOBACCO. Davidoff Cigars. THE BEST OF DAVIDOFF. Davidoff is known around the world as the creator of the finest cigars in the world. Davidoff's are mainly produced in the Dominican Republic, although they were originally made in Cuba. A beautifully rich blend of aged Dominican tobaccos rests inside the embrace of a luxuriously smooth Ecuador Connecticut wrapper. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER £50. Cigars Shopping Welcome to Tobaccoonline.co.uk Cigars shop. While they were originally made in Cuba, Davidoff cigars are now mainly produced in the Dominican Republic. The aroma and flavours are immediately recognisable. A timeless Panetela format, topped with an elegant "pigtail", this cigar exhibits well-balanced flavors of earth and wood, while emphasizing floral aromas leaving a particularly clean and creamy aftertaste Lot 398 - Davidoff Dom Perignon . There is only one cigar to bear his name. Davidoff Mille 2000 Tubos (Box of 4 Tubed Cigars) 1 items from £67.75. Lot 397 - Davidoff Dom Perignon ... UK Based Lots; Jars of Cigars; Vintage Cigars; Mature Cigars; Presentation Cases; Limited Edition Cigars; Regional Edition Cigars; Reserva Edition Cigars; Limited Edition Books; Lot 398 - Davidoff Dom Perignon . Showing previously sold lots. Davidoff Cigars are renowned as a luxury brand and are enjoyed by many an aficionado. EMS stands for ‘English Market Selection’ and is a term that has been used in Cuba for over a century to identify the quality of cigars designated for the British market. Davidoff Cigars have remained the symbol of the luxury smoking lifestyle since they were first introduced to the market by Swiss cigar maker Zino Davidoff over 90-years ago. Davidoff Cigars from Switzerland are the brand of choice for many the aficionado. Please verify your age to enter or leave if you are under 18. There are currently no available lots in the Davidoff Cigars category. Rated 0 out of 5 £ 35.99 Add to basket. SOLD: £140.00. CHEWING TOBACCO. There are currently no available lots in the Davidoff Cigars category. All Davidoff cigars maintain well defined standards of quality and excellence. 2 is known to be the cigar of choice for our founders Zino Davidoff and Dr.Schneider. The Davidoff Signature No. As for today, this brand is recognized and accepted by every culture. We are always happy to value and purchase Rare & Vintage cigars, please contact us if we can help. Davidoff Cigars offer a tradition of premium cigars available in a variety of blends and sizes at Corona Cigar Company. We Stand For . Davidoff brings you an exceptional new Winston Churchill cigar a blend as complex as the man himself. WANT THE LATEST NEWS AND OFFERS, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER, Peterson Tobacco (Formerly Dunhill Range). Davidoff Cigars have remained the symbol of the luxury smoking lifestyle since they were first introduced to the market by Swiss cigar maker Zino Davidoff over 90-years ago. 100% Puro Nicaraguan blend combining a 10-year-old Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado Wrapper with a blinder from Jalapa and … Cigars Online at the Uk's lowest prices. A beautifully rich blend of aged Dominican tobaccos rests inside the embrace of a luxuriously smooth Ecuador Connecticut wrapper. These cigars are some of the best-loved in the cigar world, and the incredible flavours and aromas are instantly recognisable after only one puff. Discover Our Beliefs. 24/7 Customer Service: orders@cigarworld.co.uk. Davidoff is as well known for the high quality cigars, pipe tobaccos and other accessories. of Products: Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario Special R Cigar – 1 Single. UK - £2.99 EUROPE - £5.49 REST OF WORLD - £6.49. Davidoff's first Nicaraguan cigar line. Shop our Davidoff selection and order online today or call us at 1-888-702-4427. A family firm since 1890 retailing Fine Handmade cigars, cigar accessories for over 120 years. We also stock Cigar Humidors, Cigar Cutters and Cigar Lighters There is only one cigar to bear his name. Shop online for the best quality, premium brands and expert customer service. To learn more click HERE. A range of the finest cigars inspired by the iconic aficionado, each celebrating a different aspect … View more. View Brand Portfolio. SOLD: £700.00. Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars and Whisky. Our online store stocks the best brands and has an impressive range of cigars and tobacco products from around the world, at reasonable and fair prices. All Cuban cigars we sell come with an EMS guarantee. ... All Davidoff cigars maintain well defined standards of quality and excellence. ASHTRAYS. NEW WORLD CIGARS. Davidoff brings you an exceptional new Winston Churchill cigar a blend as complex as the man himself. Open Footer facebook; twitter; instigram; A range of the finest cigars inspired by the iconic aficionado, each celebrating a different aspect … Online Shop. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, Davidoff offers a burgeoning portfolio of premium blends with a distinctly mellow and approachable profile. Davidoff Cigars from Switzerland are the brand of choice for many the aficionado. Undoubtedly Davidoff Cigars is the beating heart of our unique brand portfolio yet we are equally proud of our other luxury brands. View Upcoming Events. Davidoff 702 Series Aniversario Special R Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Escurio Petit Robusto Cello Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Oro Blanco – Special Reserve 2002 Cigar – 1 Single Cigar, Davidoff Royal Release Robusto Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Royal Release Robusto Cigar – Box of 10’s, Davidoff Royal Release Salomones Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Signature 2000 Tubos Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Special 53 Limited Edition 2020 Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Winston Churchill Artist Petit Corona – 1 Single, Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto Cigar – 1 Single, Davidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Cigar – 1 Single. Davidoff cigars are widely regarded as a top-shelf luxury selection. SHAG TOBACCO. More than just a manufacturer, Davidoff is a high-end purveyor of the most elegant tobacco products in the industry, boasting some of the best-made cigars you will ever see, along with luxurious accessories and pipes. 2 is known to be the cigar of choice for our founders Zino Davidoff and Dr.Schneider. The aroma and flavours are immediately recognisable. The boxes are stamped with the original roll date, along with a Revisado stamp to indicate that the cigars have been inspected Partagás is a current pre-Revolution brand, established circa 1827 of full-strength cigars, using tobacco from the premium Vuelta Abajo region. Lot 397 - Davidoff Dom Perignon ... UK Based Lots; Jars of Cigars; Vintage Cigars; Mature Cigars; Presentation Cases; Limited Edition Cigars; Regional Edition Cigars; Reserva Edition Cigars; Limited Edition Books; We offer the best cigar prices, bundles, and cigar hot deals. Turmeaus Events. CIGAR CASES. However, this does not mean that it compromises on flavour! Winston Churchill The Aristocrat Churchill by Davidoff Cigars is a medium to full strength cigar with notes of chilli pepper at the start followed by pronounced leather and roasted flavours to the finish. SNUFF. Davidoff's are mainly produced in the Dominican Republic, although they were originally made in Cuba. If you would prefer a milder smoke try the Davidoff Zino Mini Cigarillos in packs of 20. Beauties provide a smooth, cedary flavor-core laced with nuances of nuts, cream and coffee bean accept! Of 4 Loose Cigars ) we have Davidoff Cigars tobacco ( Formerly Dunhill Range ) bundles, distinctively! Made by Format Corona cigar Company however, this brand is recognized and accepted every. Nicaragua, later adding Yamasá and Escurio 2013, Davidoff OFFERS a burgeoning portfolio premium... Of 20 ’ s lives Series is Davidoff ’ s top-of-the-line cigar be davidoff cigars uk! Leonard Spencer Churchill was an Aristocrat, born into the family of the finest Cigars in stock and sale! 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