Method 1 - Submit the form for each button. In jquery you can trigger a submit. Check this : You create a div or other and in jquery you add a listener to this... You can use AJAX in combination with the HTML.BeginForm () helper. To work Ajax.BeginForm functionality properly, we need to add the reference of jquery.unobtrusive-ajax library; there are many ways to add the reference of jQuery library into our project. Phil Haack has some notes on this release on his blog.. The Ajax call replaces the div (which has the button) so it appears the button is getting wired up multiple times, once for each ajax call. Well it’s also possible to have two submit buttons and capture it on the OnBegin AjaxOptions of the Ajax.BeginForm or any other property like OnComplete or OnFailure because that appears on the DOM structure when submitted, just use $ (this) selector on the data object. It is a small library, 4kb when minified, that makes use of jQuery's AJAX capabilities. You can see this in teh Read.cshtml. Purpose.