HTML5 added three attributes which can be applied to fieldset elements:. Well, this is not that different from what have been said, but this works very well in all browsers. Live Demo textarea. CKEDITOR.replaceAll( function( textarea, config ) { // A function that needs to be evaluated for the 예제. This will ensure that assistive technologies—such as screen readers—will announce this form text when the user focuses or enters the control. readonly 属性是一个布尔属性。 readonly 属性规定输入字段是只读的。 只读字段是不能修改的。不过,用户仍然可以使用 tab 键切换到该字段,还可以选中或拷贝其文本。 readonly 属性可以防止用户对值进行修改,直到满足某些条件为止(比如选中了一个复选框)。 Alternatively you can set the readonly parameter to true, which is a shorthand to: {filter_readonly: true, operator_readonly: true, value_readonly: true, no_delete: true} The same way, each group can have an additional flags parameter which will control the editability of the group. Functions Used: The Dropdown.js jQuery plugin converts the normal select box into a fast, performant, dynamic, multi-select dropdown list for better UX. This will ensure that assistive technologies—such as screen readers—will announce this form text when the user focuses or enters the control. 初心者向けにJavaScriptでtextareaのreadonly属性を取得、設定する方法について現役エンジニアが解説しています。テキストエリアは複数行入力できるHTML要素でフォームの部品です。readonly属性は読み込み専用で入力が出来ない設定になります。 The readonly attribute is a boolean attribute. 1、serialize() 方法: serialize() 方法通过序列化表单值,创建 URL 编码文本字符串。 您可以选择一个或多个表单元素(比如 input 及/或 文本框),或者 form 元素 jQuery; jQuery UI theme (optional) jQuery UI position utility to position the keyboard at the input/textarea element; Initialize keyboard - no options needed for qwerty keyboard. This content inside the div is ignored, because Raty will override it, then you <%= :review_rating %> is useless. Puts or restores the editor into the read-only state. readonly 属性是一个布尔属性。 readonly 属性规定输入字段是只读的。 只读字段是不能修改的。不过,用户仍然可以使用 tab 键切换到该字段,还可以选中或拷贝其文本。 readonly 属性可以防止用户对值进行修改,直到满足某些条件为止(比如选中了一个复选框)。 Press Enter to add new lines. It must explicitly return "false" to ignore a // specific 예제. This is a content editable div with a custom keyboard layout. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. When present, it specifies that a text area should be read-only. This is in contrast to DOMContentLoaded, which is fired as soon as the page DOM has been loaded, without waiting for resources to finish loading. Well, this is not that different from what have been said, but this works very well in all browsers. A read-only field cannot be modified (however, a user … Textarea field renders