[5]:288, Gröning led a normal middle-class life after the war. [5]:144, Gröning said that the screams of those in the gas chambers had never left him, and he never returned to Auschwitz because of his shame. [5]:139 His mother died when he was four. On 15 July 2015, he was found guilty of facilitating mass murder and sentenced to four years' imprisonment. [2] En una cena, una vez hicieron «un comentario tonto sobre Auschwitz» que daba a entender que era un «asesino potencial o real», por lo que Gröning estalló en cólera, golpeó su puño en la mesa y dijo: «Esta palabra y esta conexión nunca deben ser mencionadas de nuevo en mi presencia; de lo contrario, ¡me mudaré!»[19] Gröning afirmó que esta petición fue respetada. Desde el 21 de abril de 2015, Gröning fue juzgado en la ciudad alemana de Lüneburg, situada en baja Sajonia, acusado de ser cómplice de al menos 300 000 muertes. [2] Entró en Scharnhorst, la organización juvenil de Stahlhelm, siendo un niño en los años 1930, y luego a las Juventudes Hitlerianas cuando los nazis llegaron al poder en 1933. Bibliografía relacionada con Oskar Gröning, catalogus-professorum-halensis: Joachim Mrugowsky, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oskar_Gröning&oldid=129999219, Personal del campo de concentración de Auschwitz, Wikipedia:Artículos buenos en la Wikipedia en inglés, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores VIAF, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores ISNI, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BNF, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores GND, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Oskar Gröning (10. června 1921 Nienburg, Dolní Sasko – 9. března 2018) byl německý dozorce, který pracoval v koncentračním táboře Auschwitz.Gröning, přezdívaný „účetní z Osvětimi“, pomáhal např. Oskar Groning: Auschwitz guard, 93, on trial for complicity in murder of 300,000. [2] No pudo recuperar su trabajo en el banco debido a que había sido miembro de las SS, por lo que consiguió un empleo en una fábrica de vidrio, donde ascendió hasta una posición administrativa. One night towards the end of 1942, Gröning and others in their SS barracks on the outskirts of Birkenau were awakened by an alarm. I would like the court to prove to me, a survivor, how four years in jail will benefit anybody. [22] In August 2017, Gröning was judged to be fit for prison. [5]:287 He ate good food and earned money, and travelled through the Midlands and Scotland giving concerts for four months, singing German hymns and traditional English folk songs to appreciative British audiences. [13], Eva Mozes Kor, who was 10 years old when she arrived at Auschwitz, testified that she and her twin sister were used for the cruel medical experiments conducted by Josef Mengele and that she had lost her parents and older sisters in Auschwitz. Groening ha admitido a través de una declaración l [9], Gröning's prosecution has been reported to have been a part of Germany's final effort to bring the last Nazi war-crimes suspects to justice. [15], That same day, Ivor Perl, an 83-year-old Briton who was born in Hungary into a religious Jewish family, also gave evidence;[16] Perl testified that he was 12 years old when he arrived at Auschwitz and that he and his brother lost their parents and seven siblings in the Holocaust. [5]:139–140 Influenced by his family's values, he felt that Nazism was advantageous to Germany and believed that the Nazis "were the people who wanted the best for Germany and who did something about it. His mother died when he was four. Upon his return to Germany, he led a normal life, reluctant to talk about his time in Auschwitz. [7] Cuando preguntó más, sus colegas le confirmaron que los judíos estaban siendo exterminados y esto se relacionaba con el transporte que había llegado la noche anterior. "[19] Gröning's defence lawyer, Hans Holtermann, was quoted as saying that he would review the verdict before deciding whether to appeal. I saw the gas chambers. Oskar Groening, dubbed the "Accountant of Auschwitz," is being tried on 300,000 counts of accessory to murder [8], Rees writes that Gröning described his time at Auschwitz as if he were talking about another Oskar Gröning at Auschwitz—and as a result, the post-war Gröning spoke more candidly about his time there by segregating the Gröning that contributed to the running of a death camp from the modern Gröning that condemns Nazi ideology. ", causing three or four people to leave the room. [5]:167 The SS men told Gröning and his comrades that they could go home but they decided to hang around in the shadows of the woods. [5] Para que su padre no lo supiera, se inscribió en un hotel donde las SS estaban reclutando miembros. [4] Tal situación permitió a los aprendices restantes profundizar sus carreras bancarias en un período relativamente corto; sin embargo, a pesar de estas oportunidades, Gröning y sus colegas fueron entusiasmados por las rápidas victorias alemanas en Francia y Polonia y quisieron contribuir también a ello. [4], Gröning terminó la escuela con altas calificaciones y comenzó una pasantía como aprendiz de empleado bancario cuando tenía 17 años, pero la guerra estalló poco después de que hubiera ocupado su puesto y de que ocho de los veinte empleados fueran llamados inmediatamente a filas. [5]:287 He said he did this because "the victor's always right", and that things happened at Auschwitz which "did not always comply with human rights". He was the son of a textile worker and a proud nationalist. [8], In September 2014, it was reported that Gröning, then aged 93, had been charged by state prosecutors with having been an accessory to murder for his role at Auschwitz receiving and processing prisoners and their personal belongings. Llegó a decirle a Gröning cómo era imposible que tantos cuerpos hubieran sido quemados y que el volumen de gas que se suponía había sido usado habría matado a todos los seres vivos en los alrededores.[21]. Oskar Groeninggraduated from high school in 1938. Gröning said the humming noise from inside "turned to screaming" for a minute, then to silence. He was eventually transferred to Britain as a prisoner of war and worked as a farm labourer. Oskar Groening espera su veredicto en un juicio en Luneburgo (Alemania) en 2015. [5]:287 He was wounded and sent to a field hospital before rejoining his unit, which eventually surrendered to the British Army. El puesto que tenía en la administración cumplía sus aspiraciones, pero en 1942 las SS ordenaron que los trabajos de oficina debían estar reservados a los veteranos heridos y que los miembros aptos en cargos administrativos debían dedicarse a deberes más demandantes. They had 9 children: Oskar Ragnar Gröning, Carl Almar Gröning and 7 other children. [5]:166–167 They were told that a number of Jews who were being taken to the gas chambers had escaped and hidden in the woods. In September 2014, Gröning was charged by German prosecutors as an accessory to murder in 300,000 cases, for his role at the Auschwitz concentration camp. [5]:139 Gröning said that the horrors in the gas chambers did eventually dawn on him when he heard the screams. Encuentra fotos de stock perfectas e imágenes editoriales de noticias sobre Oskar Gröning en Getty Images. Gröning dijo que su padre se mostró decepcionado cuando se enteró de ello al regresar a casa después de haberse inscrito. [17] Se alimentó con buena comida, ganó dinero y trabajó en las Midlands y Escocia dando conciertos por cuatro meses, cantando himnos alemanes y música popular inglesa para agradar al público británico. The new arrivals were curious about what function Auschwitz served. [2] El hombre le recomendó un panfleto de Thies Christophersen. [5]:300 He said his message to Holocaust deniers was: I would like you to believe me. [6], Gröning did not consider himself guilty of any crime, because he was in no way directly involved in the killing. [12] Gröning también escuchó: Tras presenciar esta escena, Gröning acudió a su jefe a quien dijo que ya no era capaz de trabajar en Auschwitz: sostuvo que si la exterminación de los judíos era necesaria, «entonces, por lo menos, debe ser realizada dentro de cierto marco.»[12] El oficial superior denegó la petición de Gröning. [17], On 15 July 2015, he was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder of at least 300,000 Jews. ...un bebe llorando. El tribunal germano de Lueneburg ha declarado culpable a Oskar Groening, de 94 años de edad, por colaborar en el exterminio masivo de judíos Asimismo, debía asistir al proceso de selección (no para decidir quién era asesinado, sino para proteger las pertenencias de los recién llegados hasta que fueran clasificadas). I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened, because I was there. [17], Gröning y el resto de sus colegas de las SS fueron encarcelados en un antiguo campo de concentración nazi. [6], After witnessing this, Gröning claimed, he went to his boss and told him that he could not work at Auschwitz anymore, stating that if the extermination of the Jews is necessary, "then at least it should be done within a certain framework". Durante su infancia, se unió a varios grupos juveniles nacionalistas, como las Juventudes Hitlerianas, cuando los … [18], Gröning fue liberado y regresó a Alemania en 1947[19] o 1948. On a few occasions he witnessed the procedures of mass killing in the camp. [7], El día siguiente, Gröning y otros recién llegados se presentaron al edificio administrativo central de las SS, donde se les preguntó por su experiencia antes de la guerra. [5]:300 The man told him it was "terrible" that Holocaust denial was illegal in Germany, and went on to tell Gröning how so many bodies could not have been burnt, and that the volume of gas that was supposed to have been used would have killed all living things in the vicinity.[5]:300. [17] Lo hizo porque «el vencedor siempre tiene la razón» y porque las cosas que sucedieron en Auschwitz «no siempre cumplieron con los derechos humanos». [5]:300, It became apparent that his comments condemning Holocaust denial had been printed in a neo-Nazi magazine, and that most of the anonymous calls and letters were "From people who tried to prove that what I had seen with my own eyes, what I had experienced in Auschwitz was a big, big mistake, a big hallucination on my part because it hadn't happened."[5]:300. Immediately someone opened the door and shouted "Transport! The task was top secret: Gröning and his fellow SS men had to sign a declaration that they would not disclose it to family or friends, or people not in their unit. [15] In July, Irene Weiss, an 84-year-old survivor from the United States, testified that her family was torn apart on arrival at Auschwitz in May 1944, during the mass deportation of Hungarian Jews and that she had lost both her parents, four siblings and 13 cousins at Auschwitz. [6], Después de llegar al campo principal, les asignaron literas provisionales en los barracones de las SS y fueron calurosamente saludados por miembros de las SS que les dieron algo de comer. Oskar Gröning (Nienburg, Weimarko Errepublika, 1921eko ekainaren 10a - 2018ko martxoaren 9a) alemaniar nazia izan zen, SSko boluntarioa eta Auschwitz sarraski-esparruko atezaina. Gröning nació en Baja Sajonia, de un padre estricto y conservador que trabajaba en la industria textil. Gröning thus returned to work. Una madre lo había dejado atrás, tal vez porque sabía que las mujeres con niños eran enviadas a las cámaras de gas de inmediato. No obstante, decidió hacerlo público tras enterarse del negacionismo del Holocausto, y desde entonces ha criticado abiertamente a aquellos que niegan los hechos que él presenció y la ideología que él una vez sustentó. [21] Afirmó que su mensaje a los negacionistas del Holocausto era: Gröning también escribió unas 87 páginas de memorias para su familia.[21][2]. [1], Gröning sostiene que su infancia estuvo caracterizada por la “disciplina, obediencia y autoridad”. [6] Upon being reunited with his wife, he said: "Girl, do both of us a favour: don't ask. [2] Following a number of unsuccessful appeals against the prison sentence, Gröning died on 9 March 2018 while hospitalized before he was set to begin his sentence. The child was lying on the ramp, wrapped in rags. Oskar Gröning (10 June 1921 – 9 March 2018)[1] was a German SS Unterscharführer who was stationed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. His father, a proud nationalist, joined the Stahlhelm after Germany's defeat in World War I, and his anger at how Germany had been treated following the Treaty of Versaillesincreased as his textile business went bankrupt in 1929 due to insufficient capital. [6] Citing his summons to testify against a member of the SS accused of murdering prisoners at Auschwitz, he also said he was innocent in the eyes of the law, pointing to the fact that he spoke as a witness and not as a defendant. But I do not think the court has acted properly in sentencing him to four years in jail. In an opening statement, Gröning asked for forgiveness for his mainly clerical role at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944, by saying: "For me there's no question that I share moral guilt", the 93-year-old told the judges, acknowledging he knew about the gassing of Jews and other prisoners. Probablemente, el de Oskar Gröning será el último juicio de un militar nazi por su participación en el genocidio judío ideado por Hitler y su camarilla durante la Segunda Guerra mundial. "[6] He was unable to regain his job at the bank due to having been a member of the SS, so he got a job at a glass factory, working his way up to a management position. [19], Gröning llevó una vida normal como miembro de la clase media en la posguerra. [1] Su madre falleció cuando tenía cuatro años. Groening grew up in a disciplined environment and was fascinated with the military from an early age. [29][3], Auschwitz: The Nazis and 'The Final Solution', "Oskar Gröning, the 'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz,' Is Dead at 96", "The case against the 'accountant of Auschwitz, "An SS Officer Remembers: The Bookkeeper from Auschwitz", "Gröning will bei Selektion von Juden nur ausgeholfen haben", "Auschwitz guard to go on trial in Germany", "Ex-Nazi 'bookkeeper of Auschwitz' asks for 'forgiveness, "Auschwitz guard trial: Oskar Groening admits 'moral guilt, "Oskar Groening trial: Holocaust survivor Eva Kor hugs Nazi SS Auschwitz guard in German court", "Oskar Gröning trial: British Auschwitz survivor takes the stand", "British Auschwitz survivor testifies at trial of Oskar Gröning", "Auschwitz survivor disappointed by Groening jail term", "Haftstrafe gegen Oskar Gröning ist rechtskräftig", "German Prosecutors: Ex-Auschwitz Guard, 96, Fit for PrisonApps for PC Daily - Apps for PC Daily", "Früherer SS-Mann: Gröning hat Gnadengesuch eingereicht", "German man known as 'Bookkeeper of Auschwitz' asks for clemency", "Gnadengesuch von Ex-SS-Mann Gröning abgelehnt", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oskar_Gröning&oldid=992947313, German prisoners of war in World War II held by the United Kingdom, Articles with German-language sources (de), Pages using infobox military person with embed, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 23:51. En su lugar, puso en el formulario que le habían dado los británicos que trabajó para la SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt. "[6], Gröning then began receiving phone calls and letters from strangers who tried to tell him Auschwitz was not actually a place for exterminating human beings in gas chambers. todos los resultados de noticias sobre oskar%20groning en el buscador online de noticias de ABC. [8] He said he felt guilt towards the Jewish people, and for being part of the organisation that committed crimes against them, despite "not having been one of the perpetrators myself". [5]:287 He was later sent to the UK as a forced labourer in 1946 where he had a "very comfortable life". Oskar married Alma Olivia Gröning (born Olsdotter) on month day 1896, at age 22 at marriage place. [5]:142 When he inquired further, his colleagues confirmed that the Jews were being systematically exterminated and that this had included the transport of prisoners who had arrived the previous night. Tras ser temporalmente detenido en un antiguo campo de concentración, fue trasladado a Inglaterra en 1946, donde estuvo como trabajador forzado. [5]:141, Gröning worked as a bookkeeper for a year until 1942, when the SS ordered that desk jobs were to be reserved for injured veterans, and that fit members in administrative roles were to be subjected to more challenging duties. His responsibilities included counting and sorting the money taken from prisoners, and he was in charge of the personal property of arriving prisoners. [17], Como prisionero de guerra, se percató que declarar su «participación en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz tendría una respuesta negativa», por lo que intentó no llamar atención hacia ese hecho. [5]:298, Upon return to Germany, Gröning lived with his father-in-law. Haz tu selección entre imágenes premium sobre Oskar Gröning de la más alta calidad. [7] Gröning afirmó que se le dijo que, cuando los prisioneros eran registrados al ingresar al campo, su dinero era depositado allí y se les devolvería cuando dejaran el campo. při třídění věcí zavražděných Židů nebo při tzv. Gröning said that his father was disappointed to learn this when he came home after having joined. El contable de Auschwitz, Oskar Groening, ha reconocido este miércoles nuevamente su culpa. I saw the crematoria. The indictment stated that Gröning economically advanced Nazi Germany and aided the systematic killing of 300,000 of the 425,000 Hungarian Jews who were deported to Auschwitz by 137 railway transports during the summer of 1944. "[6] The man recommended a pamphlet by Holocaust denier Thies Christophersen. [14] Más tarde, un camarada le mostró que los cuerpos estaban siendo quemados en un pozo, donde un kapo le contó los detalles de la incineración, por ejemplo, cómo los cadáveres parecían moverse mientras eran quemados a causa de los gases que contenían. "[5]:140 He participated in the burning of books written by Jews and other authors that the Nazis considered degenerate in the belief that he was helping Germany free itself from an alien culture, and considered that National Socialism was having a positive effect on the economy, pointing to lower unemployment. A la edad de 96 años, fue educado estrictamente por su padre on June 10 1921. Getty Images behind, perhaps because she knew that women with infants were sent the... Him when he was eventually transferred to Britain as a last measure to avoid imprisonment years later, he to... A las 09:35 were ordered to take pistols and search the woods to talk about time. 5 ]:287, Gröning stated that his father was disappointed to learn this when came... They reported to one of the pledge that he had subscribed la,... The court: ‘ Before the victims, I admit to moral here! Reluctant to talk about his time in Auschwitz and search the woods al bebe por las piernas to. 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