Modele de Cursuri WEB Multimedia On-Line Exemplary Models of On-Line MultiMedia WEB Courses
Institutul Superior Tehnic Lisabona-Departamentul de Inginerie Electrotehnicasi de Calculatoare ; Propagarea Radiatiilor ElectroMagnetice PROPAGAREA RADIATIILOR SI UNDELOR ELECTROMAGNETICE  si  Compatibilitate ElectroMagnetica  
LEEC, Specializarea  Sisteme Electronice si Calculatoare anul  3, semestrul 1  
Profesor  - António S. Carvalho Fernandes   Centro de Electrodinâmica ; E-mail 
Index :  
1- Programa Analitica a Disciplinei  - Achizitionarea  de competente 
2-Programa Analitica a Disciplinei  - Continutul 
6- Bibliografia  DE APOIO 
7- Orar electiv 
8-Teste, Examene  Clasificarea Studentilor

ECE 422 - Analog Signal Processing and Filtering

Professor Lawrence P. Huelsman

Cybercourse Instructions ; Internet Sites ;Notices
Study Aids ; Course Information ;Course Outline ;Course Readings ; Homework Assignments ;Homework Answers ; Exam Solutions ; Sample Examinations ; Course Software .
Asitenta Electronica On-Line
Laborator de Proiectarea a Circuitelor : Circuit parameters are adjusted using scrollbars  and changes in circuit performance are observed. "What if" explorations are invited. Each lab includes "Challanges" that provide an opportunity to design the circuit to satify perfomance specifications. 
Ilustratii Interactive : How should reference directions be selected? What is the relationship between phasors and sine waves? What does the response of a first order circuit look like? These questions, and others, are addressed using a series of interactive demonstrations. In each case, the interactivity of the demonstrations is used to focus atttention on  key issues. 
Probleme Rezolvate de Analiza Circuitelor : Here are several sets of homework problem, each providing exercises in a partiular circuit analysis topic.Each Homework set poses of a series of circuit analysis problems.  The user's answer to each problem is checked by the program. If it is correct, that fact is announced. If not correct, use user is given another chance to answer. The program keeps track of the number answers and of the number of correct answers. At any time the user can ask to see the correct answer.A pop-up calculator is provided. Pop-up help screens in each module refer to the relevant pages in the Introduction to Electric Circuits by R.C. Dorf and J.A. Svoboda. 
Introduction to Electric CircuitsRichard C. Dorf and James A. Svoboda ; Pentru a putea vedea Cursul Demonstrativ, Vizitatorul trebuie sa foloseasca : User Name : ?!!! si un Password: ?!! pe care si le defineste accesind pagina : ;

Continutul Cursului

Tutoriale Interactive

Tutorial Matlab pentru Circuite

Ilustratii din Manualul de 

Circuite Editia  a 4-a

Exemple de Examen

Auto-Test & 
Seturi de Intrebari

Intrebari Adresate Frecvent FAQ

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