Ana-Cristina Brătescu, Assistant Researcher Eng.



Biographic data

I was born on August 12th 1982 in Piatra Neamt, Romania.



  • In 2006, I graduated the Technical University “Gh. Asachi” of Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

  • In 2007, I obtained the Master's degree in Information Systems for Environment Monitoring.

  • Since 2007, I am Ph. D. Student in Electrical Engineering.

Professional skills

  • electromagnetic compatibility

  • virtual instrumentation

  • electrical measurements

  • MS-Office

  • LabView Graphical Development Environment

  • OOP Sofware: C language

  • CST (Computer Simulation Technology) Software


  • English: very good

  • Spanish: good

Stages abroad

  • May 2008 – 3 months, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • October 2008 – 1 month, University of Istanbul, Turkey
  • November 2008 - 1 month, Hanseo National University, Seosan, South Koreea


  • 14 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of scientific symposia