
Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi

Faculty of Electrical Engineering





Gheorghe LIVINT Ph. D. Eng., Head of Department

 Current position

Professor at  "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Department of Energy Utilization, Electrical Drives and Industrial Automation


+ 40 232 212483





Mail address

"Gh. Asachi" Technical University of  Iasi
53 D.Mangeron Blvd., Iasi, code 700050, Romania



I have graduated as M.Sc.:

Electrical Engineering from “Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, in 1972.

 I became assistant professor in 1972 - 1980, lecturer in 1980 - 1990, associate professor in 1990 - 1996 and professor in 1996  at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of Iaşi, Department of Energy Utilization, Electrical Drives and Industrial Automation.

I get the Ph.D. degree in 1983  with the thesis entitled "The studies for possibilities by regulation of speed the systems by drives with induction linear motors" at “Gh.Asachi” Technical University of Iasi.



My main research areas are Induction Linear Motor,  Electrical vehicles, Systems theory, Systems identification, The robust control  of the industrial processes: Logic fuzzy, CRONE control , H control,  Discrete event systems.


Research projects

  1. Structuri si algoritmi de reglare numericã a proceselor industriale. Stabilirea modelelor unor procese industriale si identificarea acestora. Contract 36894/1994. Beneficiar : Ministerul Invãţãmântului, valoare 765000 lei

           Livinţ Gh. (responsabil temã).

  1. Proiectarea, construcţia şi experimentarea motoarelor liniare de inducţie cu circuit magnetic deschis (rotative şi liniare).  Proiect CNCSU nr. 4002/b 12-1995

          Ciobanu L., Livinţ Gh.

  1. Cercetări pentru realizarea unor dispozitive şi microsisteme neconvenţionale pe bază de ferofluide, cu funcţii de măsurare şi comandă în reglarea proceselor. Contract nr. 6177 GR/2000, B-24 - ANSTI. Valoare  etapa I: 33.000.000 lei.

          Olaru R., Pal C., Livinţ Gh., Petrescu Camelia, Călăraşu D., M. Rădulescu

          Etapa I: Stadiul actual al cercetării ştiinţifice în domeniul traductoartelor şi convertoarelor electromecanice cu ferofluid. Elaborarea unor traductoare magnetofluidice originale pentru  măsurarea şi controlul parametrilor.

  1. Cercetări privind construcţia, modelarea şi comanda unor lagăre magnetice axiale hibride cu performanţe superioare cu aplicaţii la sistemele inerţiale cu acumulare de energie.Contract nr. , B-8 - ANSTI. Valoare  etapa I: 35.500.000 lei.

          Livinţ Gh., Lucache D., Graur I., Cleju Mihaela,

            Etapa I: Cercetări privind modelarea lagărelor magnetice axiale hibride. Conceperea unui stand experimental şi analiza prin simulare numerică a influenţei geometriei lagărului magnetic asupra performanţelor statice şi dinamice.

  1. Cercetări privind construcţia, modelarea şi comanda unor lagăre magnetice axiale hobride cu  performanţe superioare cu aoplicaţii la sistemele inerţiale cu acumulare de energie.

    Etapa II: Modelarea si comanda unui lagar magnetic axial hibrid

      Livinţ Gh., Lucache D., Horga Contract nr. 33479/2002 CNCSIS Valoare : 50.000.000 lei.


Selected publications

1.            "Controllers frequency methodes synthesis in electrical drives systems."

Livinţ Gh., Livinţi P., Poboroniuc M., Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, Tom XLV (IL), fasc. 5A, Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, 1999, pag. 102-105.

2.        "Theoretic and experimental research on an electrohydraulic positioning system."

Livinţ Gh., Călăraşu D., Poboroniuc M., Chiriţă C.,  Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, Tom XLV (IL), fasc. 5A, Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, 1999, pag. 106-109

3.        "The robust command of an axial hybrid magnetic bearing."

Livinţ Gh., Lucache D., Zamfir Doina, 10th National Conference on Electric Drives CNAE 2000, October 12-14, 2000, Iaşi, România, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iassy, tom XLVI(L), Fasc.5, 2000, pp.249-255.

4.        "Control structures for an axial magnetic bearing"

Livinţ Gh., Lucache D.D, M. Petrescu, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi , Tom XLVIII(LII), Fasc.5B, Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, 2002, pp. 75-80, ISSN 0258-9109

5.        "Modeling and control for linear induction  motor electrical drive."

Livinţ Gh.,  Petrescu M., Livinţi P., Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi , Tom XLVIII(LII), Fasc.5C, Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, 2002, pp. 171-176, ISSN 0258-9109

6.        "Considerations concerning CRONE control on field oriented induction motor drive systems."

Livinţ  Gh., Livinţi P., Poboroniuc M., Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipments, OPTIM’-98, Braşov, May 14-15 1998, IsBn 973-98511-1-6, pp. 395-400.

7.        "Considerations concerning asynchronous motor H control on vehicle and mobile robots."

Livinţ  Gh., Poboroniuc M, Ferrier J. L., Proceedings of  The 6-th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science SACCS’98, Iaşi, Romania, November 20-21, 1998

8.        "On the synthesis of an electrohydraulic positioning system with state feedback and proportional integrator on error"

Livinţ Gh., Călăraşu D., Poboroniuc M., Chiriţă C., Proceedings of the 3-rd International Scientific Conference ELEKTRO’99, ZILINA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, may 25-26 1999, pp. 128-133.

9.        "H¥ controllers synthesis for field-oriented induction motor drives fed by current-controlled frequency converter."

Livinţ Gh., Poboroniuc M., Lucache D., Proceedings of the 3-rd International Symposium on advanced electromechanical motion systems ELECTROMOTION’99,University of Patras, Greece, july 8-9, 1999, vol. I, pp.345-350.

10.     "Numerical command of an axial hybrid magnetic bearing"

Livinţ Gh., Lucache D., Zamfir Doina. 3rd European Conference on Magnetic Sensors Actuators, EMSA 2000, July 19-21, 2000, Dresden, Germany, PE3.

11.     "Robust RST-type controller for a PM magnetic bearing"

Livinţ Gh., Lucache D., M. Poboroniuc, G. Paicu, 5th International Conference on Mechatronic Design and Modeling , 13-14 September 2001, Konya, Turkey

12.     "The control of the flywhell system magnetic suspension"

Livinţ Gh., Lucache D.,11th  International Symposium on Power Electronics – Ee 2001, XI Medunarodni simpozijum Energetska electronika – Ee 2001, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, oct. 31-nov. 2, 2001.

13.     "Sinteza unor regulatoare fuzzy pentru acţionări electrice cu motoare asincrone"

Livinţ Gh., Petrescu M., Zamfir D. A treia Conferinţă Internaţională de sisteme electromecanice şi energetice, Chişinău, 4-6 octombrie 2001, vol. III, pag. 81- 84

14.     "Fuzzy controller comparison for field-oriented induction motor drives"

Livint Gh., Petrescu M.,Proceedings of 11th National Conference on Electric Drives, Galati, 10-12 october, 2002, pp.169-172, ISBN 973-8352-83-5.

Total publications: 176 from which

·         Papers publication: 140 papers from which : 36 papers in the speciality by journal ,  33 papers in volume of the Internationale Conference , 34 papers in volume of the National Conference  (18 papers in English language), 14 papers in volume of the Local Conference , 8 book, 15 the patents,

  •     The contract of scientific research  : 36 of the contract.


Teaching area


  • Electrical drives
  • Electrical traction
  • Industrial electronics and automations
  • Systems theory
  • Modeling and systems identification
  • Optimal control of the vehicles
  • Robust control of the industrial processes 

      Supervisor of Laboratory works:

  • Systems theory
  • Modeling and systems identification
  • Optimal control of the vehicles
  • Robust control of the industrial processes 



  • 7 march-10 june 1992, Program TEMPUS, stage by research  at “Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Automatisés”, LISA“Université d’Angers”, Angers, France

  • 1 octobrie - 31  december  1994, the guest professor at Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Automatisés”, LISA, “Université d’Angers”, Angers, France

  • 1 april – 30 april 2000, the guest professor at Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Automatisés”, LISA, “Université d’Angers”, Angers, France

  • 25 may – 7 june 2001, Program SOCRATES-ERASMUS, “l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne” AMIENS, Franc

  • 18 may – 3 june 2002,  Program SOCRATES-ERASMUS, “l'Université Henry Poincare  NANCY I, IUT LONGWY, France

  • 23 may –10 june 2003, Program SOCRATES-ERASMUS, "l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne” AMIENS, “l'Université Henry Poincare  NANCY I, IUT LONGWY, France



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