Articol publicat în revistă cotată ISI, cu factor de impact |
R1 Ciprian Nemeș, A clear sky irradiation assessment using the European Solar Radiation Atlas model and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission database: A case study for Romanian territory, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, iss. 4, no. 041807, Impact Factor 2013: 1.51, DOI:, 12 pg., 2013.
R2 Ciprian Nemeș, Marcel Istrate, Statistical Analysis of Wind Turbines Output Power, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Journal, no. 4 (120), print ISSN: 1392-1215, online ISSN: 2029-5731, Impact Factor 2012: 0,411, DOI:, pp. 31-34, 4 pg., 2012.
R3 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Potential Solar Irradiance Assessment based on a Digital Elevation Model, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, ISSN: 1582-7445, e-ISSN: 1844-7600, Impact Factor 2011: 0.555, DOI:, pp. 89-92, 4 pg., 2011.
R4 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu. A Probabilistic Model for Power Generation Adequacy Evaluation, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Électrotechn. et Énerg., 56, 1/2011, Bucharest, ISSN: 0035-4066, Impact Factor 2011:0.136, [Online]:, pp. 3646, 11 pg., 2011.
R5 Ciprian Nemeș, F. Munteanu, Development of Reliability Model for Wind Farm Power Generation, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, no. 2, ISSN 1582-7445, e-ISSN 1844-7600, Impact Factor 2010: 0.688, DOI:, pp. 24-29, 6 pg., 2010. |
Articol publicat în volumul unei manifestări științifice indexate ISI |
R6 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Mariana Munteanu, New Trends on Power Quality - Light Sensitivity Relationship and its Influence on Human Health, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, October 25-27, 2012, Iasi, Romania (EPE 2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-1171-7, IEEEXplore: 978-1-4673-1172-4, DOI:10.1109/ICEPE.2012.6463813, pp. 928-933, 6 pg., 2012.
R7 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, An Analysis of a Photovoltaic Panel Model Comparison Between Measurements and Analytical Models, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, October 25-27, 2012, Iasi, Romania (EPE 2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-1171-7, IEEEXplore: 978-1-4673-1172-4, DOI:10.1109/ICEPE.2012.6463811, pp. 939-944, 6 pg., 2012.
R8 Giuseppe Marco Tina, Carmelo Brunetto, Ciprian Nemeș, Adequacy Indices to Evaluate the Impact of Photovoltaic Generation on Balancing and Reserve Ancillary Service Markets, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, October 25-27, 2012, Iasi, Romania (EPE 2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-1171-7, IEEEXplore: 978-1-4673-1172-4, DOI:10.1109/ICEPE.2012.6463810, pp. 945-950, 6 pg., 2012.
R9 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Optimal Selection of Wind Turbine for a Specific Area, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, May 20-22, 2010, Brasov, Romania, (OPTIM 2010), ISSN: 1842-0133, IEEEXplore: 978-1-4244-7020-4, DOI:10.1109/OPTIM.2010.5510577, pp. 1224-1229, 6 pg., 2010.
Articol publicat în revistă indexată in baze de date internaționale (BDI) |
R10 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Operational parameters evaluation for optimal wind energy systems development, Published in U.P.B. Sci. Bulletin, Series C, vol. 74, iss. 1, ISSN 1454-234x, pp. 223-230, 8 pg., 2012.
R11 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Belief networks utilization for nodal power quality and availability assessment, Published in U.P.B. Sci. Bulletin, Series C, vol. 74, iss. 1, ISSN 1454-234x, pp. 215-222, 8 pg., 2012.
R12 Giuseppe Marco Tina, Gilles Notton, Ciprian Nemes, Time frame measurements impact on probabilistic behaviour of photovoltaic systems, Paper published in Bulletin AGIR - B+ , XVII, nr.2, April-June 2012, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN-online 2247-3548. pp. 1-9, 9 pg., 2012. .
R13 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, The Wind Energy System Performance Overview: Capacity Factor vs. Technical Efficiency, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, North Atlantic University Union, iss. 1, vol. 5, ISSN: 1998-0140, pp. 159-166, 8 pg., 2011.
R14 Ciprian Nemeș, A comparative analysis of wind speed distribution evaluation. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Tomul LVII (LXI), fasc.2, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 145-151, 7 pg., 2011.
R15 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Fast Method for accutare faul type detection in high Voltage Networks. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tom LVI(LX), fasc.2, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 89-96, 8 pg., 2010.
R16 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Mbuyamba Tshibanda, Reliability evaluations of Power Systems including Wind Power Generation. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tom LVI(LX), fasc.2, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 97-106, 10 pg., 2010.
R17 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Real efficiency of intelligent switching of high voltage circuit-breakers, Published in U.P.B. Sci. Bulletin, Series C, vol. 72. iss.1, ISSN1454-234x, pp. 173-182, 10 pg., 2010.
R18 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic method for circuit breaker maintenance planning, Revista Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, no. 4, vol. 58, ISSN 1582-5175, pp. 69-73, 5 pg., 2010.
R19 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, A Wind Power Generation Model for Reliability Evaluation, Revista Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, no. 1, vol. 58, ISSN 1582-5175, pp. 31-36, 6 pg., 2010.
R20 Irina Ciornei, Ciprian Nemeș, Elias Kyriakides, The future hybrid renewable power system and its generation dispatch, Revista Energetica, no. 6, vol. 58, iunie 2010, ISSN 1453-2360, pp. 262-268, 6 pg., 2010.
R21 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The high voltage circuit-breaker of intelligent switching. A theoretical background. Revista Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, no.1, vol 57, ISSN 1582-5175, pp. 26-30, 5 pg., 2009.
R22 Ciprian Nemeș, A probabilistic model for circuit breaker adequability, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Tomul LV (LIX), Fasc.1, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 109-116, 8 pg., 2009.
R23 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach of the generated power of a wind turbine. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Tomul LV (LIX), fasc. 3, ISSN 1223-8139, pp. 123-130. 8 pg., 2009. |
Articol/studiu publicat în revistă de specialitate neindexată în baze de date |
R24 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Reliability optimization of the power system nodes considering the switching components, Published in Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical and Engineering Series, No. 34, ISSN:1842-4805, pp. 196-199, 4 pg., 2010.
R25 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Effect of the generation power station reliability on generation system, Published in Scientific Bulletin of the Electrical Engineering Faculty, Valahia University of Targoviste, year 10, No. 2 (13), ISSN 1843-6188, pp. 43-47, 5 pg., 2010.
R26 Ciprian Nemeș, The strength variables of the elements subjected to the fluctuating stress, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LIV(LVIII), iss. 1/2008, pp. 79-83, 5 pg., 2008.
R27 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Optimization of the circuit breaker maintenance using the distribution of the disconnecting number, Published in Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical and Engineering Series, no. 32, 2008, ISSN 1842-4805, pp. 146-149, 4 pg., 2008.
R28 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Methods for maintenance optimization of power system components, Published in Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical and Engineering Series, no. 32, 2008, ISSN 1842-4805, pp. 142-146, 4 pg., 2008.
R29 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Human reliability influence on systems maintenance, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LIV (LVIIII), fasc. 3, pp. 455-460, 6 pg., 2008.
R30 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Equipment reliability analysis using the probabilistic design methodology, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LIV (LVIIII), fasc. 3, pp. 185-192, 8 pg., 2008.
R31 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Theoretical background of intelligent switching of the high voltage circuit-breakers, Volum SNET, 5-7 iunie 2008. Univ. Politehnica din Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-521-045-5, pp. 359-364, 6 pg., 2008.
R32 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Comutarea inteligenta o noua tehnologie in electroenergetica, Revista Energetica no.8, vol. 56, august 2008, ISSN 1453-2360, pp. 310-315, 6 pg., 2008.
R33 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach for thermal and electrodynamics stresses distribution functions, Journal Elektrotechnika i elektronika E+E (Електротехника и електроника Sofia), no 11-12, 2008, ISSN 0861-4717, pp. 46-50, 5 pg., 2008.
R34 Ciprian Nemeș, The dynamic relations inside the stress-strength vector a models for the reliability prediction, Published in Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical and Engineering Series, no. 31, 2007, vol.I, ISSN 1842-4805, pp. 405-408, 4 pg., 2007.
R35 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Aging equipment prediction using the wear process, Published in Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical and Engineering Series, no. 31, 2007, vol.I, ISSN 1842-4805, pp. 409-412, 4 pg., 2007.
R36 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Estimating the failure density function using the Stress Strength Interference Model, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LII (LVI), fasc. 1-2, pp. 145-150, 6 pg. 2006.
R37 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, The circuit breakers reliability management using the number of operations, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LI(LV), fasc. 3-4/2005, pp. 131-136, 6 pg., 2005.
R38 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach for thermal and electro-dynamic stresses distributions, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LI (LV), fasc. 1-2/2005, pp. 137-145, 9 pg., 2005.
R39 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Methods for power system security management, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul L(LIV), fasc. 5A, ISSN-1223-8139, pp. 380 - 385, 6 pg. 2004.
R40 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, The life time distribution calculation based on wearing process, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul L(LIV), fasc. 5A, ISSN-1223-8139 pp. 411-416, 6 pg., 2004.
R41 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Probabilistic approach for the short-circuit stress used in the reliability indicators, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul L(LIV), fasc. 1-2 / 2004, pp. 129-137, 9 pg. 2004.
R42 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitu Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Modelarea distribuțiilor solicitărilor termice și electrodinamice la scurtcircuit în evaluarea fiabilității preliminate a echipamentelor din electroenergetică, Rev. Energetica, vol 52, nr. 6, iunie 2004, ISSN 1453-2360, pp 277-281, 5 pg., 2004. |
R43 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The dynamic relations inside the state vector components - a criterion for technical systems reliability and risk evaluation, The International World Energy System Conference WESC 2004, 17-19 may 2004, Oradea, ISSN 1198-0729, pg. 12-15, 4 pg., 2004.
R44 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Modele de risc în managementul sistemului energetic, Rev. Energetica, vol. 51, nr. 11-12, noiembrie-decembrie 2003, ISSN 1453-2360, pp. 477-482, 6 pg., 2003.
R45 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Selectivitatea statistică, criteriu de optimizare a dezvoltării și exploatării rețelelor de distribuție a energiei electrice, Rev. Energetica, vol. 51, nr. 10, octombrie 2003, ISSN 1453-2360, pp. 433-436, 4 pg., 2003.
R46 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Ionuț Mălăescu, Systemicaly connections in theorethical and practical reliability, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul XLVIII(LII), fasc. 5A, 2002, ISSN 0258-9109, pp. 137-142, 6 pg., 2002.
R47 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Models for estimations of strength distributions parameters using the stress-strength interference, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul XLVIII(LII), fasc. 5A, 2002, ISSN 0258-9109, pg. 143-146, 4 pg., 2002.
R48 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Indices to evaluate the network nodes structure, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, tome 45, octobre-decembre 2000, Academie Roumaine, pp 649-655, 7 pg., 2000.
R49 Dumitru Ivas, Muntenu, Ciprian Nemeș, Contribuții la modelarea fiabilității sistemelor cu structură dinamică cu aplicații la schemele cu întrerupătoare, Energetica, anul 48, nr. 2, ISSN 1220-5133, pp. 76-80, 5 pg., 2000.
R50 Dumitru Ivas, Mugurel Rotariu, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, A optimization criterions for the distribution networks selectivity, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul XLV (IL), fasc. 5C, ISSN 0258-9109, pp. 94-98, 5 pg., 1999.
Articol/studiu publicat în volumul unei manifestări științifice indexate in baze de date internaționale (BDI) |
V1 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Monica Atudori, Loredana Galca, Reliability model to estimate power quality and reliability of supply, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, 5 8 May 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-3058-9, IEEE: CFP1351I-CDR, INSPEC Accession Number: 13614579, DOI:10.1109/EEEIC.2013.6549597, pp. 94-99, 6 pg., 2013.
V2 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Reliability Consideration on Wind Farms Energy Production, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2012), 24-26 May 2012, Brasov, Romania, ISSN: 1842-0133, E-ISBN: 978-1-4673-1652-1, 2012 IEEE Proceedings: 978-1-4673-1653-8/12/$31.00 '2012 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/OPTIM.2012.6231759, pp. 183-187, 5pg., 2012.
V3 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The Maintenance Strategies Influence on the Reliability of Power Plant Generating Units, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2012), 24-26 May 2012, Brasov, Romania, ISSN: 1842-0133, E-ISBN: 978-1-4673-1652-1, 2012 IEEE Proceedings: 978-1-4673-1653-8/12/$31.00 '2012 IEEE, DOI:10.1109/OPTIM.2012.6231761, pp. 103-108, 6 pg., 2012.
V4 Ciprian Nemeș, Marcel Istrate, Overview of Optimal Wind Turbine Selecting, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2011 Cluj-Napoca, Published in Acta Electrotehnica, vol. 52, no. 5, ISSN 1841-3323, pp.323-326, 4 pg., 2011. Revista BDI:,,
V5 Ciprian Nemes, Nicu Costandache, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach of generation system considering the power station reliability, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS 2011 Cluj-Napoca, Published in Acta Electrotehnica, vol 52, no. 5, ISSN 1841-3323, 2011, pp. 327-330, 4 pg., 2011. Revista BDI:,, |
V6 Ciprian Nemes, Florin Munteanu, A probabilistic approach of the wind energy system performance, The 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering Conference (MMACTEE '10), WSEAS Conferences in Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania, October 21-23, ISSN: 1792-5967, ISBN: 978-960-474-238-7, pp. 116-121, 6 pg., 2010.
Articol/studiu publicat în volumul unei manifestări științifice neindexate în baze de date |
V7 Ciprian Nemes, Marcel Istrate, Probabilistic assessment of annual energy production from wind farms, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory (35th IC-SPETO), Gliwice-Ustron, Poland, 23-26 may 2012, ISBN 978-83-85940-34-0, pp. 71-72, 2 pg. 2012.
V8 Ciprian Nemeș, Mbuyamba Tshibanda, Stochastic Analysis for Wind Speed Forecasting, The International Conference INnovation and Collaboration in Engineering Research (INCER), 24 July 2012, Bucharest, Romania, CD format, 5 pg. 2012.
V9 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Statistical inference for Energy Consumption and Productivity Indices Evaluation in a Steelmaking Plant, Proceedings of the 8th edition of International Conference on Industrial Power Engineering, CIEI 2011 Bacău, Romania, ISSN - 2069-9905, paper presented in Plenary Session, 2011.
V10 Ciprian Nemeș, Nicu Costandache, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach for circuit-breaker availability, XVIXth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Organised by Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Department of Physics and Centre of Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy Brno, Czech Republic, September 5 - 9, ISBN: 978-80-214-4293-1, pp. 287-290, 4 pg., 2011.
V11 Ciprian Nemeș, Marcel Istrate, Effects of wind profile in the wind energy systems performance, International Workshop on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South-Eastern Europe, Bled, Slovenia. 20-21 September, ISBN 978-961-243-183-9, paper 95, 6 pg., 2011.
V12 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemes, Wide Area Power Quality Monitoring, Proceedings on the 6th international conference on electrical & power engineering, Proceedings on the 6th international conference on electrical & power engineering. EPE 2010, October 28-30, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-606-13-007-8, pp. 241-244, 4 pg., 2010.
V13 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, New Method For Steady State Security Assessment of Power Networks, Proceedings on the 6th international conference on electrical & power engineering. EPE 2010, October 28-30, Iasi, Romania, ISBN 978-606-13-0077-82010, pp 245-248, 4 pg., 2010
V14 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Wind generation forecasting using time series techniques, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Industrial Energetics with International Participation, CNEI 2009 Bacau, 5-7 November, ISBN 978-606-527-050-3, pp. 493-499, 2009.
V15 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, A reliability-based equivalence between conventional power and wind power generation, 7th International Conference of Electromechanical and Power Systems, SIELMEN 2009, Iasi, Romania, vol I, ISBN 978-606-520-618-2, ISBN_vol I 978-606-520-617-5., pp. 375-379, 5 pg., 2009
V16 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Human Factor Reliability Influence on Availability of Power Distribution Networks, 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment CIEM09 12-14 November 2009, Bucharest, Conference CD ISSN 2067-0893, paper 3, sect. 9, 2009.
V20 Mbuyamba Tshibanda, Ciprian Nemeș, Prof Jan- Harm C Pretorius Negative Effects of Energy-Saving, Non-Linear Loads on LV Systems: Causes and Recommendations, 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment CIEM09 12-14 November 2009, Conference CD ISSN 2067-0893 Bucharest, paper 3, sect. 9,2009.
V21 Catalin Pancu, Ciprian Nemeș, Adrian Baraboi, Maricel Adam, The using of artificial intelligence in the reliability indices optimisation of electrical equipment, The National Conference of Industrial Energetics CNEI 2007 Bacau, University of Bacau, Engineering Faculty. 1-3 November 2007, Ed. Alma Mater, ISSN 1224-7480, pp. 179-184, 6 pg., 2007.
V22 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Evaluation of the electric power equipment reliability, 2008 International World Energy System Conference. Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper B021-II1 Session, 2008.
V23 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Irina Ciornei, Optimal relationship between operation and maintenance intervals, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper B022-II1 Session, 2008.
V24 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Monica Rotariu. Intelligent controlled switching influence on power quality, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, Plen Session, 2008
V25 Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, The IEEE RTS utilization in Romania for reliability analysis of power systems: opportunity and difficulties, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper B037-II1 Session, 2008.
V26 Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Constantin Darzan, The models for security and risk indices evaluation in the electric power systems develops, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper B035-II1 Session, 2008.
V27 Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Constantin Darzan, The Models of Reliability Evaluation for Systems with Dependent Elements and Variable Structure, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania, June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper B036-II1 Session, 2008.
V28 Irina Ciornei, Ciprian Nemeș, The future hybrid renewable power system and its generation dispatch, 2008 International World Energy System Conference, Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi, Romania June 30-July 2, 2008, ISSN 1198-0729, Format CD, paper A41-III Session, 2008.
V29 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu Probabilistic approach for thermal and electrodynamics stresses distribution functions, Twelfth International Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems ELMA2008, Technical University of Sofia Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-4965, pp. 164-168, 5 pg., 2008.
V30 Ciprian Nemeș, C-tin Darzan, Florin Munteanu, Elena Istrate, Dumitru Ivas, The influence of controlled switching on the circuit breaker reliability, Conferinta Nationala si Expozitia energetica CNEE 2007 Sinaia, 7-9 Noiembrie 2007, Editura SIER Bucuresti, ISSN: 1843-6005, pp. 699-702, 4 pg., 2007.
V31 Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, C-tin Darzan Elena Istrate, Bogdan Luminariu, Intelligent apparatus and switching in power systems principles and practical solutions. Conferinta Nationala si expozitia energetica CNEE 2007 Sinaia, 7-9 Noiembrie 2007, Editura SIER Bucuresti, ISSN: 1843-6005, pp. 1015-1019, 5 pg. 2007.
V32 Ciprian Nemeș, Cătălin Pancu, The reliability prediction using simulations and neuronal networks, International Symposium on Electrical Engineering and Energy Converters, ELS 2007 Suceava, 27-28 September 2007, ISBN: 978-973-666-259-1, pp. 196-199, 4 pg., 2007.
V34 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Interferentele eficientei energetice optime, Simpozionul International de Eficienta Energetica, ed. a V-a SIEE2006, Cluj-Napoca, 03-05 octombrie 2006, ISBN 973-686-928-8, 978-973-686-928-0, pp. 45-50, 6 pg., 2006.
V35 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The models of risk in the developing and working of the electrical power system,. 4-th International Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering EPE 2006, Iași, Romania, October 12-14, 2006, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LII (LVI), fasc. 5C, pp. 1139-1144, 6 pg., 2006.
V36 Ciprian Nemeș, Florin Munteanu, Dumitu Ivas, Probabilistic approach of controlled switching, 4-th International Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering EPE 2006, Iași, Romania, October 12-14, 2006, Published in Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, tomul LII (LVI), fasc. 5C, pp. 1151-1154, 4 pg., 2006.
V37 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The impact of the new based-on-intelligent-equipment management methods on the structure of the distribution power networks nodes, Second Regional Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, organized by CIRED Committee of the states of Serbia and Montenegro, 17-20 October 2006, Zlatibor, Serbia, CD format, paper: 054-2006, Book of abstracts: ISBN 86-83171-13-2, pp. 7, 2006.
V38 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitu Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Probabilistic approach for thermal and electro-dynamic stresses distribution functions, Second Regional Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, organized by CIRED Committee of the states of Serbia and Montenegro, 17-20 October 2006, Zlatibor, Serbia, CD format, paper: 160-2006, Book of abstracts: ISBN 86-83171-13-2, pp. 11, 2006.
V39 Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, From controlled switching to intelligent switching, Second Regional Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, organized by CIRED Committee of the states of Serbia and Montenegro, 17-20 October 2006, Zlatibor, Serbia, CD format, paper: 185-2006, Book of abstracts: ISBN 86-83171-13-2, pp.47, 2006
V40 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Aspecte privind influența sistemului electroenergetic asupra fiabilității întreruptoarelor, Al XIX-lea Simpozion Național "Siguranță în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic" SINAIA, 28 - 30 septembrie 2005, ISBN 973-87456-0-8, pp. 165-169, 5 pg., 2005.
V41 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Asupra fiabilității sistemelor multivalente, de producție și deservire, Al XIX-lea Simpozion Național "Siguranță în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic" SINAIA, 28 - 30 septembrie 2005, ISBN 973-87456-0-8, pp. 191-195, 5 pg., 2005.
V42 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Lucian Baron, Limits of independent elements assumption in reliability system analysis and exceeding possibilit, 5th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems, October 6-8, 2005, Chisinau, vol I, ISBN:973-716-208-0, pp. 395-398, 4 pg., 2005.
V43 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Model for estimation of the strength distributions using the stress-strength interference, 5th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems, October 6-8, 2005, Chisinau, vol I, ISBN:973-716-208-0, pp. 173-174, 2 pg., 2005.
V44 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, A method to establish the mean of number of operations for the IO 110 kV circuit breaker, The International Conference on Energy and Environment, Bucharest 20 - 22 Octobre 2005, Section 2 Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, pp. 2.47- 2.51, 5 pg., 2005
V45 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The models of risk in the management of the electric power system, The International Conference on Energy and Environment, Bucharest 20 - 22 Octobre 2005, Section 2 Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, pp 2.52- 2.59, 8 pg, 2005.
V46 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, The statistic character of the short-circuit currents stresses. Ediția a V-a Conferința Națională de Energetică Industrială cu participare internațională CNEI 2005, Bacău 1012 Noiembrie 2005, ISSN 1224-7480, pg 109-133, 5 pg., 2005.
V47 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Systemically connections in theoretical and practical reliability, Ediția a V-a Conferința Națională de Energetică Industrială cu participare internațională CNEI 2005, Bacău 1012 Noiembrie 2005, ISSN 1224-7480, pp. 184-188, pg. 5 pg. 2005.
V48 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, New criterions for optimal development and exploitation network the statistical selectivity and relative sensitivity, Regional Conference and Exhibition on electricity distribution, Conference organized by CIRED Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 5-8 october 2004, pp. 76-82, 7 pp, 2004.
V49 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, The models of risk in the management of the electrical power system, WEC Regional Energy Forum FOREN 2004, 13-17 June 2004, Neptun Olimp - Romania (format electronic - CD), paper no: S2_20, 8 pg., 2004.
V50 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Gheorghe Chiriac, Binomul scop-mijloc instrument de evaluare și planificare a eficienței energetice, Simpozionul Internațional de Eficiență Energetică, ed. a IV-a, 18-20 octombrie 2004, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 103-08, 6 pg., 2004.
V51 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Une Generalisation de la notion de fiabilite pour les systemes multivalentes, de production et doffre, 4th international Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems SIELMEN 2003, Chișinău 26-27 september 2003, vol. II, .ISBN 9975-9704-9-4, pp. 51-54, 4 pg., 2003.
V52 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Modelarea solicitării la scurtcircuit a echipamentelor din stațiile electrice în calculul indicatorilor de fiabilitatea a acestora, Al XVIII-lea Simpozion Național Siguranța în funcționare a sistemului energetic SIG 2003, 24-26 septembrie 2003 Oradea, Secția1 Siguranța în funcționare a instalațiilor de transport a energiei electrice, lucrarea 1.33, 6 pg., 2003.
V53 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Modelarea fiabilității contactelor întreruptoarelor electrice bazată pe fizica electroeroziunii, Conferința Internațională Energie - Mediu CIEM 2003, 22-25 octombrie 2003, București, vol.I. Sesiunea Fiabilitate, Risc, Mentenanță, Ed. Academiei Române, ISBN 973-27-1032-2, pp. 2.162.20, 5 pg. 2003.
V54 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Ioan Mălăescu, Asupra modelării fiabilității sistemelor cu elemente dependente, Conferința Internațională Energie - Mediu CIEM 2003, 22-25 octombrie 2003, București, vol.I. Sesiunea Fiabilitate, Risc, Mentenanță, Ed. Academiei Române, ISBN 973-27-1032-2, pp. 2.21 - 2.27, 7 pg., 2003
V55 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Asupra metodelor de calcul al fiabilității echipamentelor electrice, folosind modelele solicitate-rezistență-timp, Simpozionului Național de Rețele Electrice SNRE 2002, Oradea, lucrare I.5, 6 pg., 2002.
V56 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Riscul producătorilor în relațiile dintre parteneri pe piața de energie, Conferința Națională a Enerfiei, FOREN 2002, June 09-13, 2002, Neptun Olimp - Romania (format electronic - CD), 2002.
V57 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Managementul riscului între relațiile dintre partenerii de pe piața de energie, Simpozionul Național Siguranță în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic, Ediția a XVII-a, vol 1, Deva 26-28 sept. 2001, pp. 12-18, 7 pg., 2001.
V58 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, B. Bagen, Modelarea intensității de defectare în perioada de rodaj a elementelor, Simpozionul Național Siguranță în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic, Ediția a XVII-a, vol 1, Deva 26-28 sept. 2001, pp. 56-62, 7 pg., 2001.
V59 Ciprian Nemeș, Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Estimarea defecțiunilor folosind modelul static solicitare rezistență, A treia conferință internațională de sisteme electromecanice și energetice, SIELMEN 2001, Chișinău, 4-6 octombrie 2001, vol II, Secțiunea Fiabilitate și Diagnoză, ISBN 9975 9638 7 0, pp. 149-152, 4. pg., 2001.
V60 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Privire critică asupra metodelor de influențare a fiabilității, A treia conferință internațională de sisteme electromecanice și energetice, SIELMEN 2001, Chișinău, 4-6 octombrie 2001, vol II, Secțiunea Fiabilitate și Diagnoză, ISBN 9975 9638 7 0, pp. 161-164, 4. pg., 2001.
V61 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Nicolae Brumă, Coculeana Popa, Trecerea la noile tehnologii de dezvoltare și exploatare a rețelelor electrice, evoluția sau revoluție?, Simpozionul Național de Rețele Electrice, ediția a X-a, vol. I, SNRE 25-26 mai 2000, Iași, pp. 39-45, 7 pg., 2000.
V62 Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, Nicolae Brumă, Coculeana Popa, Tehnici de ameliorare a calității serviciului de alimentare cu energie electrică, Simpozionul Național de Rețele Electrice, ediția a X-a, vol. I, SNRE 25-26 mai 2000, Iași, pp. 254-263, 7 pg., 2000.
V63 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Mutații posibile în conceperea și exploatarea rețelelor de distribuție datorate noilor tehnici de conducere (NTC),Energetica nr. august 1999.
V64 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Privire critică asupra modelelor și metodelor de calcul a fiabilității sistemelor, limitele acestora in domeniul energetic necesitați si perspective, Al XVI-lea Simpozion Național Siguranța în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic Bacău, 22-23 Septembrie 1999, pp. 5-14, 10 pg., 1999.
V65 Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, Tudor Mocanu, Calitate și fiabilitate in condițiile reglementarii pieței de energie, Al XVI-lea Simpozion Național Siguranța în Funcționare a Sistemului Energetic Bacău, 22-23 Septembrie 1999, pp. 57-65, 9 pg., 1999.
V66 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Criterii sistemice de eficiență energetică, Simpozionul Internațional de Eficiență Energetică, Cluj-Napaca, 12-14 Octombrie, 1999.
V67 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Energia electrică, Marfa sau serviciu? Criterii sistemice de apreciere a calității energiei electrice, Al III-lea Simpozion Calitatea Energiei Electrice, Targoviște, 8-9 decembrie 1999, pp. 100-104, 5 pg., 1999.
V68 Dumitru Ivas, Florin Munteanu, Ciprian Nemeș, Indices to Evaluate the Network Nodes Structure, Proceedings of the Third International Power System Conference, november 18-20,1999, Timișoara, România, published in Bulletin of Politehnica University, vol. III, tom 44(58), fasc. 2, ISSN 1224-6034. pp. 80-84, 5 pg., 1999.
V69 Florin Munteanu, Dumitru Ivas, Ciprian Nemeș, Tudor Mocanu, Criterii combinate în restructurarea rețelelor electrice de distribuți, Proceedings of the Third International Power System Conference, november 18-20,1999, Timișoara, România, published in Bulletin of Politehnica University, vol. III, tom 44(58), fasc. 2, ISSN 1224-6034. pp. 85-90, 6 pg., 1999.