• Biographic Sketch

    Ioan Tudosa received the B.A.Sc.(‘08), M.Sc. (‘09) and the Ph.D. (‘11) degrees in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Applied Informatics, from the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi,in Iasi, Romania.

    He joined as a Research Associate the Department of Engineering from the University of Sannio, in Benevento, Italy, where he hascompleted a postdoctoral fellowship of two years, period of June 2012 - June 2014, within the project “Barriera Attiva” - design and prototyping of a new innovative barrier based on an innovative concept of safety combined with structural function (passive function) and active function).

    His research and teaching interests include embedded systems, intelligent sensors, distributed measurement systems, digital adaptive filtering and biomedical signal processing.

    Dr. Tudosa is Full Member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and Communications Society.

  • Research interest

    Several of my research effortsare primarily directed to:

    • Smart sensors;
    • Smart embedded data acquisition and measurement systems;
    • Biomedical signal acquisition and processing;
    • Embedded systems for Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks;
    • Algorithms for digital signal processing.
  • Contact


Here you can find a list of publications in which I was involved during my research activities.


Here you can find some research interests, research projects, and experiences.

Engineering Project

Here you can find several personal projects that I have done during the doctoral stage and later.

Engineering Projects