ESDGarm - Core conductive fibres based ESD protective garments

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, CrossTexNet Project 7_058_2012




ESDGarm - Partners

Among the 56 public institutions of higher education in Romania, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi has the oldest tradition in engineering education being one of the flagships of Romanian research society.  Its leadership capacity is proven by the large number or research project obtained in national and international competitions and carried out in the last five years: 83 international projects, 940 national project  as coordinator  and 483 as partner. The obtained results have been reported in 2087 ISI indexed papers and 59 patents. „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi has 11 faculties with 12000 students enrolled at license level, 3500 at master studies and 800 PhD students. Among all the faculties, the oldest one is the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 2010 the faculty celebrated 100 years by celebrating its famous precursors: Dragomir Hurmuzescu and Stefan Procopiu. Within the above mentioned institution, The Electrical Measurements Department, where the partner research team is hosted, currently encompassing 22 researchers, is one of the most important research groups focusing its activity on the most state-of-the-art techniques, procedures and methods designed for measurement data acquisition, processing, monitoring and remotely transmission in industrial processes field. The department has developed leading expertise in long-standing collaborations with industrial and academic partners in the fields of signal processing. Under FP6 and FP7, the department has been involved in 7 European Commission-funded projects. The Electrical Measurement Department and it's research center METROS was awarded with the highest degree of confidence ("Excellence in research") by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Education and Youth.
Main tasks in project:

  • Project management
  • Dielectric properties characterization of test panels.
  • Thermally Stimulated Discharge Currents (TSDC) measurements.
  • Charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method.
  • Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal fiber configuration.
  • Dielectric properties characterization of test panels.
  • Charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method
  • Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal topology.
  • ESD features evaluation via charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method
  • Final concept design.
  • Publications, reports and presentations
  • Patenting
  • Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)

The main activity of The Research-Development National Institute for Textile and Leather, hereinafter called INCDTP, is the Research, Development and Innovation in the field of textiles, having a fundamental and applicative character, being carried out as part of the National and European RDI Programs. INCDTP carries out also small and short series microproduction, consultancy and technical assistance, services: laboratory investigation and testing, quality management, certification and inspection, editing and publishing of specialized documentations. INCDTP has outstanding expertize in: designing and accomplishing equipment for human protection and safety at extreme temperatures, under chemical agents action and in missions of ensuring public order and peace; designing and accomplishing of multifunctional textile fabrics; implementation of cleaner textile chemical processing for all types of fibers; development and application of the biotechnologies in the textile industry with special ecological, economic and qualitative effects; textile finishing technologies of natural and new generation of fibers with special destination. INCDTP is (or has been) involved in many national and European projects, such as: BENTEX, FASHIONET; E!3871/FUNTESIL; E!3776 NANOTEX; FP7/ Novel Temperature Regulating Fibers and Garments/NoTeReFiga; FP7 -Envirotex-Design; SONO/ A pilot line of antibacterial and antifungal medical textiles based on a sonochemical process.
Main tasks in project:

  • Comparative study of available fibers and their performances.
  • Test panels integral knitting
  • Technico-economical studies; Recyclability
  • Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal topology.
  • Technological line design and adaptation;
  • Garment prototype integral knitting;
  • 5.2. Publications, reports and presentations
  • Patenting
  • 5.4. Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)

INTELECTRO SRL was founded as a spin-off company of academic bodies, in order to sustain the industrial implementation of the IPR owned in electromagnetic areas. It has a very good experience and endowment in electromagnetic measurements and dedicated EMC/ESD/EMI tests - till 20 GHz (including the analysis of nano-structure and chemical liaisons). The company performs alternative characterization of components lifetime and aging tests, quality and lifetime models and prediction, Weibull analysis etc. Test facilities: ALPHA High Grade Dielectric Analyzer 2008, Potentiostat - Galvanostat System 2007, System for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, SkyScan1174 compact Xray micro-CT 2008, Convection Binder Ovens (Class A). Software: Statistical, Weibull, web page design, PSpice, CAD, LabView..
As relevant expertise in project management and project development we can mention two research projects:
1 “Novel bio-sensor technology based on active polymers, electro-coated on carbon structures - MANUNET ERA NET 7-038/13.05.2011 (CARBIOSENSE)” where Intelectro Iasi SRL is partner and it is responsible for WP 3 High frequency tests.
2 “Biomass-recycled plastic composites with high biomass content for profiles and panels designated to economical buildings” is developed by Intelectro as coordinator in partnership with Technical University from Krahanmanmarash, Turkey, and our main role is to make EMC tests on materials and to elaborate the technological parameters for the shielding panels.
Main tasks in project:

  • Surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
  • EMC shielding efficiency investigation
  • Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal fiber configuration.
  • Surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
  • EMC shielding efficiency investigation
  • Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal topology.
  • ESD features evaluation via surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
  • EMC shielding efficiency investigation
  • Optimization of architectural concept related to intersectorial applications
  • Life cycle tests
  • Website development and updating
  • Publications, reports and presentations
  • Patenting
  • Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)

E.D.Y. Ar-Ge Hizmetleri – P4
E.D.Y. is a software development house and a consultancy partner with a special expertise in electromagnetics-microwave and biomedical engineering. The company is founded in 2011 by Dr. A. Egemen YILMAZ (Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Assistant Professor at Ankara University Department of Electronics Engineering – Electromagnetics & Microwaves Division) and Op. Dr. E. Neval YILMAZ (M.D. – General and Vascular Surgeon) with an initial grant of about 40,000 Euros from Turkish Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
The main capabilities of the company can be listed as follows:
Development Capabilities:

  • Simulation and modeling (for test and/or training purposes; with third party tools such as CST Microwave Studio, Ansoft HFSS, Matlab/Simulink, or custom developed tools via C++, .NET and OpenGL)
  • Numerical/algorithmic software development (Finite Difference Method, Finite Difference Time Domain Method, Finite Element Method, Kalman Filter, Batch Filters)
    Consultancy Capabilities:
  • Software intensive project development under IEEE12207 (former MIL-STD-498B) tailored processes
  • Software intensive project size and cost estimation with CoCoMo-II and CoSysMo methodologies

The company is currently developing the “Electromagnetic Approximate Synthesis and Design Software Package”, which is a practical design tool for common electromagnetics-microwave circuit elements, under the grant of Turkish Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Another ongoing project is development of web-services for some products of E.C.N. R&D Ltd. (which is an SME in Ankara, Turkey).
Other ongoing (self-funded) projects of the company are related to biomedical engineering, more specifically about wearable devices with on-board signal processing units for diagnosis. Applications to grants by TÜBİTAK, Turkish Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and EU FP regarding these projects are in progress.
Meanwhile, the company is currently in negotiation phase with Siemens Turkey for providing technical consultancy in C4ISR system projects; and with ASELSAN Inc. (the leading defense company of Turkey) for the development of target tracking algorithms in artillery systems.
Main tasks in project:

  • Electrostatic field simulation via CST Studio software.
  • Establishing topology’s influence on ESD/EMC performances.
  • Costs vs. benefits analysis on adopting the concept.
  • Publications, reports and presentations
  • Patenting
  • Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)