ESDGarm - Core conductive fibres based ESD protective garments

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, CrossTexNet Project 7_058_2012




ESDGarm - Results

           First interim report
           •   Comparative study of composite fibers performance on the market
           •   Integral knitting of testing textile panels
           •   Dielectric analysis and characterization of test panels
           •   ESD analysis and characterization of test panels
           •   EMC analysis and characterization of test panels
           •   Analysis and interpretation of results, define the optimal configuration of fiber's structure
                Download the report: pdf

           Second interim report
           •   Knitting the test panels with different knitting techniques. Equipment adaptation.
           •   Dielectric analysis and characterisation of test panels
           •   ESD analysis and characterisation of test panels (Point to Point and Charge Decay measurements)
           •   EMC analysis and characterisation of test panels
           •   Analysis and interpretation of results, define the optimal configuration of knitting technique
                Download the report: pdf

           Final report
           •   Knitting experimental model's precursor
           •   ESD evaluation
           •   Precursor optimization. Experimental model
           •   Results dissemination
                Download the report: pdf