ESDGarm - Core conductive fibres based ESD protective garments

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, CrossTexNet Project 7_058_2012



ESDGarm - Work Plan

WP1 - Project management

• Ensure the effective management to deliver high quality results in the time span allocated to the project.

Description of work
WP1 will assure an efficient balance between the specific actions related to management dimensions: strategic, operational, financial, human resources, IPR, marketing. Establishment of efficient project management procedures for ensuring effective and successful work of the project as a whole; Monitoring overall project progress and quality of results; Assuring an adequate integration of all activities; Assuring the relation with the end-users for technology transfer.

D1.1 M03 Management plan
D1.2 M12 First annual management report
D1.3 M24 Second annual management report
D1.4 M24 Public final report presenting the outcome of the project and the impact


WP2 - ESD/EMC behavioural simulation of active layered composite fibres for a predefined knitted topology. Validation tests.

• Establish the optimal composite fibre’s structure.
• Simulation and validation tests.

Description of the work
ESD/EMC behaviour of integral knitted fabric with core conductive fibers will be modelled and simulated. Migration process of electrostatic charges accumulated in fiber’s dissipative surfaces towards conducting core/layers will be identified. The investigations will be undertaken for different materials which are to be used for the dissipative and conducting layers, in respect with a single predefined knitted topology. Consequently the structural influence of fibre’s core and its concentration on the overall mass of the fibre will be evaluated. The following tasks are to be performed:
2.1. Comparative study of available fibers and their performances.
2.2. Electrostatic field simulation via CST Studio software. Based on developed 3D knitted structure representation, different fibre’s configurations will be investigated versus their ESD/EMC performances.
2.3. Test panels integral knitting
2.4. Dielectric properties characterization of test panels. The dielectric properties will be determined with the help of a Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer in a broad frequency domain (10-3 Hz – 3GHz) and at temperatures between -160°C and 400°C.
2.5. Thermally Stimulated Discharge Currents (TSDC) measurements. The results of this activity will furnish information regarding the activation energy, equivalent charge and relaxation time.
2.6. Surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
2.7. Charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method. The method is supposing the test panels charging at a default potential and the measurement of potential drop till an imposed value by grounding the conductive core of multifilament fibre and time measurement.
2.8. EMC shielding efficiency investigation. The measurements will be made via 2 methods: Insertion loss method, able to give information related to reflexive and absorption losses and Twin antenna method (IEEE-STD 299) a reference standard in electromagnetic shielding testing.
2.9. Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal fiber configuration.

D2.1 M06 Report on ESD simulation results for benchmark knitted structure
D2.2 M12 Report on validation tests results for different composite fibers
D2.3 M13 Optimal composite fiber specifications


WP3 - Research upon knitting topology, technology and equipment. Technology influence upon ESD/EMC features

• Establish the optimal knitting topology.
• Simulation and validation tests.

Description of the work
Different knitting topologies, technologies and equipment will be used to obtain different knitted fabrics, for which ESD/EMC features will be tested.
Within WP3 the following tasks are to be completed:
3.1. Establishing topology’s influence on ESD/EMC performances. Simulations using CST Studio will be accomplished in order to determine the optimal topology which is to be used in knitting the test panels.
3.2. Test panels integral knitting (variation of structure’s topology). Equipment update.
3.3. Dielectric properties characterization of test panels. The dielectric properties will be determined with the help of a Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer in a broad frequency domain (10-3 Hz – 3GHz) and at temperatures between -160°C and 400°C.
3.4. Surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
3.5. Charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method
3.6. EMC shielding efficiency investigation. The measurements will be made via 2 methods Insertion loss and Twin antenna
3.7. Technico-economical studies; Recyclability
3.8. Results analysis and interpretation, definition of optimal topology.

D3.1 M10 Report on simulation results for topology’s influence on ESD/EMC performances
D3.2 M19 Report on validation tests results for different knitting topologies
D3.3 M20 Optimal knitting topology specification


WP4 - Prototyping of active layered composite fibres garments via integral knitting with tailored ESD/EMC properties.

• Experimental development of ESD protection garment prototype.

Description of the work:
4.1. Technological line design and adaptation;
4.2. Garment prototype integral knitting;
4.3. ESD features evaluation via charges dissipation evaluation by time decay measurement method
4.4. ESD features evaluation via surface resistance evaluation by point to point measurement method
4.5. EMC shielding efficiency investigation. The measurements will be made via 2 methods Insertion loss and Twin antenna
4.6. Optimization of architectural concept related to intersectorial applications
4.7. Life cycle tests. Prototyped garments will be tested through the equivalent of one year's worth of using: mechanically (including under for 50, 100 and 150 washes), chemically and environmentally (temperature, humidity).
4.8. Final concept design.
4.9. Costs vs. benefits analysis on adopting the concept.

D4.1 M21 Garment prototypes
D4.2 M23 In-lab test report
D4.3 M24 Costs versus benefits report

WP5 - Dissemination, and Technology transfer plan.

• Make the results and insights of this project available to both the scientific and industrial communities.
• Establish a technology transfer plan.

Description of the work:
Creating two-way communication channels with the end-users, stakeholders, academic communities and industry in order to disseminate information about the project, its objectives, the approaches and results; raising the awareness of different stakeholders regarding the performances of the new innovative product and promote the final product at a large-scale.
5.1. Website development and updating
5.2. Publications, reports and presentations
5.3. Patenting
5.4. Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)

D5.1 M03 Launch of the ESDgarm website
D5.2 M06 Dissemination plan
D5.3 M22 Patent application
D5.4 M24 Final report on publications / presentations
D5.5 M24 Technology transfer plan