SigMet - Smart metering device with incorporated load identification features

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, project “Contor inteligent bazat pe evaluarea semnaturii energetice” SigMET, 30_PCCA_2012.




About Sigmet

    Simple behavioural intervention consistently generates energy savings but, since electricity prices are given in abstract and unfamiliar units for most of the consumers, and monthly billing ensures a temporal distance between usage and payment, people need more information to make better energy use decision. Consumers must be able to understand their energy usage and therefore, the central objective of the proposed project is the development of a smart device capable to provide real-time information about the energy consumed by every individual classes of home appliances (electric bulbs, refrigerators, TV sets, HVAC, etc). It is an unique approach since no device currently available an the market enable such a detailed analysis that turns the data into valuable information.

    The project consortium consists of participants with multi-disciplinary expertise their presence being mandatory for the project success. All the participants have extensive generic expertise and case study specific expertise, and the consortium is in that respect highly qualified to carry out the intentions and work described in the SigMET project. Beside the above mentioned technical expertise, also the solid institutional capacity of the participating institutes in the project, proved by their long-standing collaborations with industrial and academic partners in national and international funded research projects, is minimizing the project risk. Furthermore, all participants have stated their commitment to allocate the adequate human resources to guarantee the successful implementation of the project.