SigMet - Smart metering device with incorporated load identification features

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, project “Contor inteligent bazat pe evaluarea semnaturii energetice” SigMET, 30_PCCA_2012.




SigMet - Work Plan

WP1 - Functional specifications. Architecture definition

Definition of all the functionalities: Load Signature architecture and specification, System measurement dynamic and precision, Human interface, Architectures for all modules involved

Description of work

1.1. Establishing device's hardware architecture, Smart meter, PLC, Real time display (TUIASI, UPB, ELECTRA)

1.1.1. Smart Meter Module  (CO - TUIASI)
Prior to any decision, power grid topologies in European countries will be reviewed.
The aspects to be considered are:  power grid topologies, performance estimation, interface and interconnection, mechanical, electrical and technological properties of Smart Meter Module. End user’s, installator’s, manufacturer’s and participant’s requirements will be identified. Hardware specifications will also be based on requirements of developer of signal processing algorithms.

1.1.2. PLC Modules (P2 - UPB)
Over a PLC (powerline communication) the acquired and elaborated information of the Load Signature Module module, will be transmitted trough the main line to the Real Time Display (RTD) module. The communication has to be guaranteed for a distance that covers the size of an apartment or a medium house (400-500m of cable length). The communication has to be robust and, if possible, has to implement an already existing power-meter information standard.

1.1.3. Real Time Display (RTD) Module (P3 - ELECTRA)
The Real Time Display inform the end-user about the consumptions of his household appliances. The remote monitoring will have a subset of the features of the local monitoring especially tailored to suit the PDA and Cellular interfaces.

1.2. Establishing device's software architecture, Smart meter, Load signature identification, PLC, Real time display (TUIASI, ROMSOFT)

1.2.1. Smart Meter Module (TUIASI)
Following parts of built in software will be considered in this task: operational, set up parameters, set up and firmware update methods, factory calibration and home calibration, data processing, communication interface, user interface, programming interface.
A set of computer utilities to support Smart Meter Module will be defined.
Also end user’s, installator’s, manufacturer’s and participant’s requirements will be identified too.

1.2.2. Load Signature Identification Module (TUIASI)
In order to identify different classes of household consumers two software modules will be considered:

  • a simplified steady-state analyze combined with a turn-on transient analyze of those segments of the current waveforms that produce substantial variations will be used to identify the appliances with constant load;
  • an harmonic analyze will be performed to identify the consumers with a variable load. 

1.2.3. PLC Modules (ROMSOFT)
Great consideration will be devoted in maintaining a balance between standardization requirements, device autonomy (i.e. the use of proprietary protocols and techniques and the need, due to market or other reasons, to continue using them), and openness to every new possible devices or sensors that will come on the market in the future.

1.2.4. Real Time Display Module (ROMSOFT)
The smart meter monitoring will be developed so that add-ons can be integrated. The connection to the internet will give the possibility to the device to be connected to service providers that can manage in the future the different households to offer different kind of services like for example power peak management to reduce peak consumption (peak shaving). Privacy of the collected data is an important theme that will be a treated in this project.

1.3. Establishing device's mechanical architecture (ELECTRA)
Mechanical specifications and compatibility between all modules of the system will be assured based on relevant standards and technological availability.

1.4. Functional specification (TUIASI)

1.5. Dissemination plan development (TUIASI)

D1.1 – Functional specifications document.  M9
D1.2 -  Product's hardware and software components architecture M9

WP2 - Experimental model components development

Design and realisation of the hardware (electronical and mechanical) component
Design and realisation of the software component

2.1. Electronic and mechanical hardware design and development (ELECTRA)
Hardware design will include circuit diagram, specifications of components, interaction between components (especially timing and loading) physical packages, and arrangement of connector pinouts PCB design and mechanical parts design. Specific Computer Aided Design (CAD) environments will be used. The hardware components will be manufactured by the Partner 3 SC Electra Srl. tHIS company is certificated for quality managment standard ISO 9001:2000 and provides a complete set of services to client: designing and producing printed circuit board, automatic electronics assembly, designing and producing different mechanical parts, mounting of blocks, testing.

2.2. Sotfware design and development. Smart meter module (TUIASI, UPB)
Development of the complete design will involve development of embedded software and development of computer software. All functions of Smart Meter Module defined in Phase 1 will be implemented. Both software parts will be tested separately and together.

2.3 Sotfware design and development. LSI module (Load Signature Identification) (TUIASI)
In order to obtain precise information related to the phase of the spectral components even in those cases  when non-integer number of periods of the investigated signal are processed, a new FFT methods will be developed. The Fast Fourier Transform with variable resolution (VFFT) will be based on the recalculation of the values situated in the vicinity of the harmonics of the spectrum obtained using the classic FFT method. This recalculation is accomplished using DFT with variable resolution.

2.4 Sotfware design and development. PLC module (TUIASI, ROMSOFT)
The software platform will provide full control networking functionality coupled with an application programming fronted for open and flexible extensions. In addition, an interoperable self installation protocol will make the complex task of the manual system configuration superfluous, giving the chance to any business operator, or even to the user, to configure the system without having specific technical knowledge and without the help of dedicated devices.

2.5 Sotfware design and development. RTD module (TUIASI, ROMSOFT)
In the design, emphasis will be given on modularity and scalability involving an architecture that cover the needs ranging from simple display of a minimal set of values, to full integration into a Home Area Network and capability to interface to open networks (Web, GSM, powerline, ...) to provide the opportunity communicate with the electric utility.

2.6. Dissemination. Web site upgrading

D2.1 Smart meter software module M19
D2.2 Load signature module M22
D2.3 PLC and display modules M22
D2.4 Complete circuit diagram M22
D2.5 Smart device experimental model M22

WP3 - Testing and optimization. Experimental model realization

Validation through test
Large scale disemination

The validation activity aims to detect the deviations from the original plan and to provide the necessary feedback to the project management for corrective actions. The required approaches will be provided within the fallowing tasks:

3.1 Establishing the test procedure (TUIASI, ELECTRA, UPB)
In this task we will define testing principles, establish testing procedures, develop test cases and establish testing facilities necessary to validate the solutions proposed in Phase2.
Special attention will be paid to the classification of all possible working environments in order to guarantee that the tests will be detailed enough. European regulatory issues will also be addressed as the requirements in various countries may differ.

3.2 Smart meter system validation (TUIASI, ELECTRA, ROMSOFT)
During this task we will make both technical and functional validation of the smart meter system. The performances will be evaluated against those established in Phase 2

3.3. System optimization.(TUIASI, ROMSOFT)
Test evaluations, resulting from previous task, will be used to optimize the system.

3.4 Functional model documentation development (TUIASI, ELECTRA, ROMSOFT)

3.5 Dissemination (UPB)

D3.1 Test procedures M26
D3.2 Test results M29
D3.3 Functional model documentation M33
D3.4. Patent M33

WP4 - Technology transfer plan development

Make the results and insights of this project available to both the scientific and industrial communities. Establish a technology transfer plan.
Creating two-way communication channels with the end-users, stakeholders, academic communities and industry in order to disseminate information about the project, its objectives, the approaches and results; raising the awareness of different stakeholders regarding the performances of the new innovative product and promote the final product at a large-scale.

4.1. Project results valorification plan development (TUIASI, UPB)

4.2. Technology transfer plan development (TUIASI, ROMSOFT, ELECTRA)

4.3. Dissemination of project results (TUIASI, UPB)

D4.1. Valorification plan M36
D4.2. Final report on publications / presentations M36
D4.3. Technology transfer plan M36
D4.4. Articles, patent application M36