3DShields - Innovative technology for multilayer EMI shields based on spatial fabric

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, CrossTexNet Project 7_071_2012




3DShields - Results

           First interim report
           •   Analysis and selection of composite conductive fibres for the external active layers
           •   3D-knitting of the external active layers
           •   Shielding effectiveness measurements for the external active layers
           •   Analysis and selection of composite conductive fibres for the connection layer
           •   3D-knitting of the connection layer
           •   Shielding effectiveness measurements for the connection layer
           •   Technical and economic study. Recyclability.
                Download the report: pdf

           Final report
           •   Analysis and interpretation of results concerning the behavior of the outer layers
           •   Analysis and interpretation of results concerning the behavior of the connection layers
           •   Defining the experimental model of the textile shield
           •   Knitting the experimental model
           •   Shielding effectiveness measurement of the experimental model
           •   Architecture optimization of the concept regarding the intersectoral appliactions
           •   Testing the Life Cycle
           •   Setting the final concept
           •   Results dissemination
                Download the report: pdf