3DShields - Innovative technology for multilayer EMI shields based on spatial fabric

Project supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, CrossTexNet Project 7_071_2012




3DShields - Work Plan

WP1 - Project management and coordination

• Ensure the effective coordination and running of the project, manage activities and monitor progress.
• Handle all reporting on behalf of VidAssist to the funding institution services.
• Compile and organize the assessment of the project’s results.

Description of work
1.1. This task will establish and run the project management structure, taking care of all coordination activities, including organization of meetings, compilation of six-monthly and periodic reports, budget and quality control, resolution of conflicts and liaison with associated and collaborating projects. The reports will include publishable summaries and will detail the work progress, the use of resources, the financial statement for the given period, etc. The final report will be prepared within this task. Within this task, the partners will ensure suited communication with the funding institution regarding the administrative and financial duties linked to the signed Grant Agreement.
1.2. At the start of the project, the QAB will set a quality framework to be referred to by the project team in the preparation of all project documents, in particular of project deliverables. All project deliverables will be reviewed within this task to verify (before they are formally transmitted to the funding institution) their consistency with the above-mentioned reference quality framework and with the project Description of Work.

D 1.1 Management plan
D 1.2 First annual management report
D 1.3 Second annual management report
D 1.4 Public final report presenting the outcome of the project and the impact


WP2 - Study of interaction between the electromagnetic field and the exterior layers of “H” fabric structure

• Shielding effectiveness characterization of exterior layer

Description of work
In order to optimize the structure of the exterior layers in respect with shielding effectiveness, the manufacturing topology (knitting loop’s geometry and dimension) and the fibres’ structure and composition will be varied. The following types of fibres will be used: fully conductive fibres, conductive core fibres, trilobal conductive core fibres, coated conductive fibres, twisted yarn of conductive filaments and textile fibres, twisted yarn of conductive and textile fibres, and sandwich conductive fibres.
2.1. Composite conductive fibres analysis and selection;
2.2. Rendering of the 3D knitted structure.
The graphical representation of each structure and of the entire assembly will be developed via Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application software.
2.3. Manufacturing of 3D structures:
• The exterior layers will be realized of composite conductive fibres;
• The connecting layer will be realized of non-conductive fibres (only in WP 2, based on synthetic fibres); it will just strengthen the 3D structure;

2.4. Electromagnetic field simulation.
The corrections regarding model’s structure will be simulated via 3D ElectromagneticField Simulation CST and QuickWave-3D simulation software during the analysis and reconfiguration cycle; Specialised multi-physical models dedicated to the electromagnetic modelling of shielding composites will be developed and validated with measurements. These models will make a design cycle more cost-effective reducing time spent on real prototyping.
2.5. Shielding effectiveness measurements.
The RF measurements will be realized in two ways: Insertion loss method and Twin antenna method and the reverberation chamber techniques, standardized by IEEE-STD 299, a reference standard in electromagnetic shielding testing.

D 2.1 Manufacturing topology of exterior layers
D 2.2 Fibres’ structure and composition of exterior layers


WP3 - Study of the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the connecting layer of “H” fabric structure

• Shielding effectiveness characterization of connection layer

Description of the work
In order to optimize the structure of the connecting layer in respect with shielding effectiveness, the fabric topology and the fibres’ structure and composition will be varied. The connecting layer will be realized of conductive composite fibres/conductive nano- and microstructures
3.1. Core conductive fibres (including micro/nano filler) analysis and selection;
3.2. 3D fabric structures manufacturing.
The exterior layers will be realized of non conductive fibres (used just for strengthening the 3D structure). The connecting layer will be realized of conductive fibres
3.3. Electromagnetic field simulation.
Computational physical models of the “H” knitted structure will be prepared for electromagnetic analysis with the specialized software tools to predict their shielding and absorbing properties. Optimization routines will be launched on to search for the optimum design and to create general design rules for further engineering of shielding materials based on the considered “H” fabric structure.
3.4. Shielding effectiveness measurements
3.5. Technico-economical studies; Recyclability

D 3.1 – Manufacturing topology of connection layers
D 3.2 - Fibres’ structure and composition of connection layer


WP4 - Defining gasket’s prototype

• Defining gasket’s prototype

Description of the work
Defining gasket’s general “H” structure by using input variables (WP2, WP3), the investigation/measuring stage of the parameters for characterizing the shielding effectiveness
4.1. Results’ analysis and interpretation of exterior layers under electromagnetic fields;
4.2. Results’ analysis and interpretation of connecting layer under electromagnetic fields;
4.3. Defining gasket’s prototype.
4.4. Gasket prototype kniting.
4.5. Shielding effectiveness investigation of prototype.
4.6. Optimization of architectural concept related to intersectorial applications
4.7. Life cycle tests. The gasket will be tested through the equivalent of one year's worth of using: mechanically, chemically and environmentally
4.8. Final concept design.
4.9. Costs vs. benefits analysis on adopting the concept.

D4.1. H prototype


WP5 - Technology Transfer Plan. Pilot production support. Communication and dissemination.

• Large scale dissemination
• Technology Transfer Plan
• Patenting

Description of the work
Preparation for the production, technology transfer plan (Design correction, Equipment design, test rig development)
Creating two-way communication channels with the end-users, stakeholders, academic communities and industry in order to disseminate information about the project, its objectives, the approaches and results; raising the awareness of different stakeholders regarding the performances of the new innovative product and promote the final product at a large-scale.
5.1. Website development and updating
5.2. Publications, reports and presentations
5.3. Patenting
5.4. Development of the Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)


D5.1 Interactive Website
D5.2 Publications, reports and presentations
D5.3 Patent
D5.4 Technology Transfer Plan (TTP)